Aaron. Part Two

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We were doing a hell of a job clearing all that walkers from in front of the RV, but something really unexpected happened..

The RV turned outrageously hard to the side, sending not only me, but Noah and Carl down to the ground. I had the wind knocked out of me, and my vision was shit for a couple of seconds.

Once I had it back, I could see that some of the walkers connected the dots and realized it was Carl, myself and Noah that was knocked off the RV.

I turned over to see Noah who just had sat up and Carl, who was in unconscious.

The walkers began to come for us now.

"Oh shit." I said to myself, but Noah heard me and saw what I was seeing. He got up and almost ran, but came back.

"Let's go! Leave him!" Noah said.

I literally stopped for a second and had to process what he just said.

"Are you fucking high? Help me, Noah!" I yelled at him, and he hesitantly came back and helped.

"There's too many surrounding the RV we have to go this way!" I said and we carried Carl with us into the woods as I turned around very often to shoot the walkers after us.

It felt like forever that we had been running, but we finally stopped and set Carl down.

"Carl. Carl." I said his name, and shook him softly. If he had a concussion, I don't think shaking him hard would be smart to do.

"Is he okay?" Noah asked, and I got up and slapped the shit out of him.

"You wanted me to leave him. Don't you dare ask me that. I can't even believe you, what kind of person are you. You piece of crap!" I yelled at him, and Carl made a groaning noise. Which meant he was coming conscious again.

"Carl!" I said, and actually jumped over to him in excitement.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, and tried sitting up.

"No, stay down for a few seconds. You could have a concussion." I told him, putting my hands on each shoulder.

"We fell of the RV trying to clear walkers and you got knocked out. " I told him, he went in, and hugged me.

"We should get going back to the roads, I have no idea where we are." He said.

"I don't either." I told him.

"Guys." Noah said, and we turned around and looked in the direction he pointed too. It was a flare in the sky.

"Let's go!" I said, and helped Carl up.

"No! We don't know who shot that!" Noah told me.

"Aaron had a flare gun and that other person he came here with has one too. If the group saw that, they're going there! Now c'mon!" I said. Carl and I started walking and Noah dragged behind us.

"Oh god." I said, noticing the pack of walkers coming our way.

"That way." Carl pointed to the other side of them and we all ran passed them quickly. Confusing them.

One still had caught up to Noah and nearly sunk it's teeth into his arm, but Carl shot it in the head.

Ironic huh? Noah wanted to leave Carl for dead, but Carl saved him.

We continued to run in the direction of where the flare had come from, quicker and quicker. We finally found the road and the flares smoke was slowly disappearing.

"Over here!" I told them referring to the smoke, and we continued to run in that direction.

"Carl! Bailey! Noah!" I heard a familiar voice call our names from behind.

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