The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

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The CDC was a dead end. There was not a spec of hope there. There were powdered eggs, but no hope. We had to get out and we did.

Trailing behind Dale's caravan, Rick, Lori, Sophia, Carol, Myself, and Carl were all quiet. Scarred from the explosion back at the CDC and scarred by the fact that maybe we never would find hope in this world.

Maybe Jenner was right.

One thing Jenner said to Rick stuck into my head and I don't think I'd ever forget it.

Rick had thanked Jenner for opening the door so we could get out of the CDC. In fact, Rick said that he was grateful. That was not what stuck in my head, but Jenner's response.

"The day will come when you won't be."

Again, he was right about that as well.

I thought that maybe that day my dad died was that day.

I thought that maybe that day Lori died was that day.

I thought that maybe that day would be the day Ron stole my innocence from me.

The days our groups members died, I thought that maybe those were days.

I was dead wrong.

"That trip to The Grand Canyon we tried to go on all those years ago, but Carl couldn't stop throwing up." Rick laughed and looked back at Carl to let him know he loved him.

"I never knew a baby could throw up so much." Lori smiled, not at the fact Carl threw up so much on that trip, but the memory of the past life.

"Can we go to The Grand Canyon some day, dad?" Carl asked and Sophia wanted to as well. "I want to go!" she smiled and Carol held her close.

"I'd love to go before I die." I turned the mood dull and sad for a few seconds. My death was imminent. Everybody in that car had an imminent death headed their way whether they wanted it or not.

"Looks like you'll be a very old woman when you finally see The Grand Canyon, Bailey." Lori turned back to me and put her hand on my knee to reassure me I was not going to do any time soon.

"You also Sophia, sweetie. Carl, you will be as well." Lori told the two of them with a genuine smile.

"Did you just call me a women?" Carl asked so offended and there was nothing but laughter in that car.


"Two birds with one fucking stone?" Negan laughed and raised his bat over my head.




I kept my mouth shut, squeezed my eyes, and bowed my head. I accepted the fact that I was going to die for the group. Like I said, I would die for this group. I wasn't going to fight this. This was happening.

" I am so sorry, Carl." I whispered to myself.

"DO NOT DO THIS, PLEASE!" Every single person in my group continued to scream their heads off.

"You can continue to scream, you can continue to cry, hell why am I even saying this?" Negan said and plunged his bat down.


I was waiting moment after moment to feel my death. I knew that the day Jenner was talking about was in fact today. I was dying today and I accepted it. I accepted the fact I was going to have to leave Carl behind and sad it was, it was imminent. It was my time to leave the world and finally be with my mama. I would leave behind this painful world.

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