Don't Be Afraid Of Me

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Our clothes smelled, we smelled.

We couldn't handle much more in this stupid train cart. I thought the walkers were assholes.. No, but this cart was worse and the people holding us locked away in here are bigger assholes.

It's been almost a week I think, I'm not really sure, I rely on the lightness from outside, and darkness to tell me how many days.

All we've had to eat was sugar, and soggy meat that isn't so bad once you get around the.. no who am I kidding, the shit is nasty.

Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carl and I got to know these other people we didn't know

Rosita, Tara, Eugene, and Abraham.

Tara was sweet, I got along with her the best.

and I bet you're wondering about Carl and I, right?

It's still the same between us, we talk but not a lot. I'm still scared of him, and I can't get over it. I want to and try and tell myself he won't do what that horrible man almost did to me, but I can't.

It's not just Carl, it's every man besides Daryl, that comes near me.

I rubbed the metal of my belt against the floor of the cart, trying to make it as lethal as possible like everybody else was doing. I had no muscle to actually do this, so it was working for them but not me.

"You have to rub the metal faster at an angle." I heard Carl's voice from behind me. I looked at him, and down at the belt I was torturing. I followed his instructions and it was working perfectly.

"Thank you." I smiled slightly at him.

"You're welcome." he replied.

He wanted to talk to me any way possible as much as he could.

"Ready, I see a couple of them pricks out there already." Abraham said, breaking the awkwardness tension between Carl and I.

Carl attempted to help me put the belt around my wrist, but I couldn't let him.

"I'm sorry." I apologised for being this way.

He just nodded sincerely and backed off.

Tara helped me wrap it around my wrist quickly and we got ready for them to come to the door. We were all ready just to kick their asses.

"Be strong, alright?" Tara told me, and I nodded my head.

We no longer heard them, but the top of the cart opened and something shaped like a paint can was dropped and Abraham yelled for us to get down.

Then a sudden burst of gas, a lot of gas consumed the train carts little bit of air.

Constant coughing and temporary blindness was our problem right now.

I could make out those assholes grabbing Rick, Glenn, Bob and Daryl out.

"Stop!" I shouted still coughing, and I felt arms grab at me too.

I couldn't stop coughing enough to scream, so I doubt any of the group members realized I was being taken from the cart as well.

I felt a heavy object make contact with my head, and I only saw black after that.

As far as I knew Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Bob, and myself were the only ones that were taken out of the cart. Hopefully that was all.

I woke to a sudden bright light after a bag was ripped from over my head. I was tied to a metal chair, with ties around my wrists and ankles.

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