We're Still Here

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"Carl, pass me the rolls would ya?"

I poured Negan the lemonade he so badly wanted. "Thank you sweetheart."

"How do I look without the man bush?" Negan asked pointing to his clean shaved face. I looked at him for a good few seconds and rolled my eyes. "You look like a penis." I said and earned a full on laugh from Negan.

"Carl, that's busting each others balls. That is a perfect example right there." Negan said to Carl and took a sip of his lemonade. "Sit down already, I am tired of waiting for Rick to get back from his run and Lucille is starving." Negan placed his stupid bat in a chair and poured the bat a glass of lemonade.

If Negan killing two of my family members, making me burn his son's face, and stripping my family of everything didn't prove that he was already a crazy person..

"Carl, serve everybody some spaghetti. I am starving, I know Olivia is too." Negan said and Olivia began to tear up. I put my hand on her shoulder as she rocked Judith. "Come on Olivia, cut the crying it's old dear." Negan said, beginning to feast on his spaghetti.

Carl walked around the table serving the spaghetti and put the pasta on my plate. "Tha-

"I said no talking to each other." Negan snapped at me. I couldn't even say thank you to Carl.

Carl looked back at me and I looked away.

- - - - -

I finished the whole entire plate of spaghetti and was near tears remembering "Spaghetti Tuesdays" from back at the prison and how Maggie and Beth's dad Hershel always stood by them.

"Thank you." I said to Negan and he reached out to me. He placed his hand on my left arm and ran his fingers over the bandage. "Take it off." Negan said to me and I sighed. I unwrapped the bandage at a normal pace. I set the bandages and gauze on my lap and look down at my stub from where my left hand used to be.

"That's fucking gross. How'd it happen?" Negan asked.

"Walkers swarmed me, bit my hand and I had to think fast." I kept my head slightly down because I hated looking at the stub without a bandage on it.

"Gross, but so badass." Negan said and took the bandage from my lap. "Don't put it back on."

Like Carl, I was being forced to show the world one of my biggest insecurities.

"I said no, you're not talking to Negan." Negan, Carl, Olivia and myself all hear from outside. "Daddy has company. Carl and Bailey clean this mess up without a word to one another, thank you." Negan said and opened the front door to our house.

There stood Spencer and one of Negan's soldiers on the porch.

What the hell was Spencer doing?

"Arat don't be an asshole, let the man pass." Negan said, holding Lucille in one hand and his glass of lemonade in the other.

"We haven't officially met, I'm Spencer." Spencer said and smiled.

Again, what the hell was Spencer doing?

I walked upstairs and into our room. The bed was gone and that wasn't a surprise to me when Negan said he wanted our shit. I closed the door and sat down on the floor. I then held my hand to my face and began to cry.

I felt arms on me and looked up to see Carl.

I got up and shoved my body on his. Our embrace was so strong we hit the wall. My cry was now audible and Carl held me so tightly. One arm around my waist and the other rubbing the back of my head. I had no words and neither did Carl, I just cried and cried.

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