Say Something

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" Kids, stay where carol and I can see you, understand me?" Lori directed us.

"Yes Mam" Sophia, Carl and I said in unison.

I walked slowly with Sophia next to me, as Carl speeded in front of us.

I looked into a brown van that had shattered windows and blood covered along the busted glass..

Picking through clothes.

"Sophia look.." I chuckled, showing her boy boxers with penguins and cowboys printed on them.

She took them, and ran to Carl.. Me following along.

"Found you new undies, Carl". Sophia joked silently..

He made a mean face at us, couldn't help but laugh though.

"Shhh" I said while laughing in between..

"There all yours if you want 'em, Carlina!" Sophia continued to giggle, Carl and I giggling along.

"I think they'd look better on bails, since she's a boy." Carl joked, and I slapped his arm playfully.

"Get down, kids down!" Rick yelled to us in a low whisper.

We turned from the way he came and saw the walkers..

Fear painted along our faces, and we dropped down to the floor silently, rolling under the cars.. Carl rolled under the same one as me, but Sophia rolled under the one next to us.

"No, Sophia over here!" I whispered and she shook her head nervously..

Sophia seemed to be the only one of us really getting freaked out.. I mean I was too, but I was better at not showing it.. And Carl merely thought nothing of it.. he's strange.

Carl was about to look out, but a foot stomped next to him.. Making him shoot back under the car.. More feet began to walk by.. The moans of the walkers were sickening.

I turned my head back and forth at Carl and Sophia.. Carl seemed fine every time I looked over at him, but as the minute passed. Sophia didn't look fine..

The moans and sounds of feet hitting the road were slowly fainting until no more..

Sophia pulled herself out, and looked at me before she did..

"No, no". I mouthed to her over and over, even do hand motions for her not to.

Then a walker spotted her..

I covered my mouth in fear, and closed my eyes.. Cowering under the car.. Sophia's immature screams echoed, as she ran down the hill with now, two walkers after her.

We all got from under the cars, and Rick followed after her.

"Lori, there's two walkers after my baby!" Carol cried, and ran for the rail.. But was stopped by Lori.

I had my hands over my mouth in disbelief.. that didn't just happen that didn't just happen.. I thought over and over.. but it did.

"Daddy, we have to find her"! I pulled my dad's arm, nearly in tears.

"We will, we will.. Get in the RV"

"Carl! You too. Stay in the RV until your dad gets back". He directed us, and gave me a hug.

I walked back into the RV, nearly in tears.. only to be face to be with a walker..

My loud ear piercing screams were masked by the walkers teeth tearing into my neck.. showing no mercy..

I fell back first onto the hard road, with the walker still clenching his teeth into my neck..

" Daddy! DADDY!! Help me!!" I yelled.. my daddy Shane, and Carl ran over to me.. but only stared down at me.. My dad looking at me in disappointment.. like he always did..

I tried yelling once more, but my neck was ripped almost completely through..


Hands were on my shoulders, shaking me to wake up..

Then I screamed, but i realized Carl's hands were over my mouth, as he was on top of me.. wanting me to shut up.

" Stop screaming! Stop screaming! " he yelled in a hush tone..

He took his hand, and got off me..

I had sweat rushing down my face, and I fell off the bed into the floor.. Panting really breaking down in tears.

(A/N: Put on the song " Say Something By A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera :-) )

" Bailey, what's wrong?" He asked me, getting on the ground next to me.

" no,it was those dreams. It was real this time, I felt the walker's actual teeth in me." I tried wiping my tears away.. looking pretty mental.

He tried putting his hands around my face, but I shoved him away really hard.

"I'm not a walker or anybody else.. It's just me.. Carl." He told me..

"I'm sorry.." I hugged him, as he tense first.. but wrapped his arms around me tightly.


Rick was still asleep on the couch, Carl had lit the fire place because the lights obviously didn't work.. And it was getting cold..

I felt Rick's head, and lied a cold towel on it. I changed his shirt he completely sweated through.. Changed this bandages on his wound, and gave him water.. He had no idea any of that went on, considering he was still asleep.

I sat back on one side of the fire and Carl was on the other.. We stared at it..

"Thank you for taking care of him..I really appreciate, he would too". Carl mumbled to me and kept staring at the fire.

A silence had grown over us for about a couple of minutes..

"When Sophia got chased off the road by those walkers.. I knew.." I mumbled, turning Carl's attention to me.

"Me too.." He looked down.

"I had dreams about her the day the Woodbury people came to the prison, it took me two weeks to stop.. I saw her face everywhere.."

"The sad thing is at first the only person who knew about the dreams were carol, and I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell her I kept seeing her dead daughter in my dreams.. or even in real life."

"But, I can't stop blaming myself.." I looked his way.

"Why in the hell was that your fault"? He questioned

"I shook my head for her not to go, I should've been the one the walkers wanted.. Not Sophia." My voice kept cracking.

"Bailey, don't.. Don't say that."

"She was my friend too.. But she wasn't meant for this world.." Carl shook his head.

" And I am, carl? We are? " I was almost reaching a yell..

He looked at me long and hard, then turned his gaze to the fire..

"When I saw you in the bed back at Hershel's farm.. You didn't look good, at all.. I was thinking such selfish thoughts. Like how I didn't want you to die, because then I'd be all alone."

"But now that I realized, I just didn't want to lose my only best friend, the only person I truly cared about anymore." As I said that, Carl turned his eyes to me.

" When you told me you loved me at the prison, did you mean it?" He asked me.

It took me a while to answer, but I was sure of that answer right when he asked me.

" Yeah, yeah I meant it."

"More than how a best friend should love their best friend?"

I swallowed really hard and nodded, keeping my gaze locked on him.. So he'd know I was serious.

"I've felt the same way.. i just never thought I could admit it to myself, or you.." He mumbled and looked back at the fire.

I got up and sat down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me waist..

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