Chapter 3

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Jesse POV

"As you can tell I'm fine and how did you find me?" I asked before looking over to Blade.

And if I'm being honest I was disappointed that I wasn't able to talk to Blade anymore and by the looks of it so was he.

"We found you by using the tracking device in your uniform did you forget that Cisco put tracking devices in all our uniforms." Barry asked looking around to make sure nobody is a threat.

"Right must of been hit in the head harder than I thought." Hearing a growl coming from Blade causing Barry to snap his head towards Blade.

"Jesse where are we?" Barry asked because I think he's starting to catch on that these are not normal people.

I didn't say anything I just looked towards Blade because it was his secret to tell not mine. Like my identity was my secret but my little friend said I could trust him and I know I can.

"We are werewolves everyone that lives on this land and I was about ready to tell her what a mate was until you came. And as you can tell shes safe and getting the help she needed"

He said before gently grabbing my hand and caressing it and I didn't miss those shocks they felt so good and so comforting.

"Your a werewolf not just a meta human who can shape shift." Barry asked before taking his mask off which surprised me because he only does that if he's comfortable around someone.

"No I'm a werewolf not a meta human I was born this way along with everyone that's apart of my pack." Blade said before.

"I'm Blade Smith Alpha of the worlds strongest pack The Blood Crescent Moon Pack and you are since you took your mask off which I'm guessing you did because your comfortable around me." He said before putting his hand out the very hand that he was holding my before putting it out for Barry.

"Oh right sorry Barry Allen or The Flash nice to meet you." Barry said before taking Blades hand and shaking it before adding.

"And thank you for finding my friend and team member she's like a sister to me." Barry said before taking a look at me to look at all the injuries that the doctor finished bandaging up.

"How did you get away." Barry asked before sitting in another seat near the bed.

"He was about ready to take the killing blow but I was able to grab his knife turn it around and stabbed him hopefully it was the killing blow." I said hoping that Barry doesn't get mad at me but I honestly don't care but the most important question is coming from me.

"Now Blade what is a mate." I asked looking Blade in the eye.

God I love his name it's hot.

"Oh right sorry got caught up with your story." He said before going on.

"A mate is our other half that was made by our moon goddess basically your my soul mate. You were made for me like I was made for you. Your mine like I am yours. Do you get what I'm saying." Blade asked and you could tell he was nervous but before I could answer he added.

"I thought my mate was dead because we are suppose to find our mates at sixteen but I'm thirty now so it's been fourteen years without a mate and now I found you."

Blade said looking at me with most breathtaking smile I've ever seen.

"So what you saying is that your my man and I'm your women and we are soul mates or mates." I said to clarify.

He didn't say anything just shook his head to confirm.

"And your hoping I will accept you." I started and again he shook his head and you can tell he was a little afraid that I would reject him.

Why would I reject him because if I'm being honest I felt like I've been missing something in my life for quite sometime and being with him it feels like I found my missing piece.

"Well if your afraid that I'm not going to accept don't be." I said before taking my hand and caressing his cheek.

Which got me a growl of approval.

Our little moment was cut short by Barry voice.

"Is she able to leave?" And I guess that Blade didn't like that question because I felt him tense under my hand.

But before I could answer the doctor answered for me.

"She's going to need  some rest about four days to one weeks rest depends on how her injuries heal with her being a meta human and she has to stay around her mate to help with the healing process." The doctor said as he was writing something down on his chart.

Good cause I'm tired and could tell my powers were not up to par because of all my injuries.

'Well you wouldn't have that problem.'

'Shut up.'

Was all I said to my little friend well frenemy.

"So she has to stay here?" Barry asked looking towards the doctor.

"She can stay anywhere she wants as long as she rest and with Blade." The doctor said before handing me some pain meds before walking out.

"Jesse we need to go to Star Labs and find where The Cicada will go next." Barry said before getting up and putting on his mask before adding.

"Can you open a breach." He asked.

"Dude she needs to rest." Blade growled but you could tell he was trying to hold his anger back.

"I know you can come to and there is medical ward there she can lay there and rest then she can go home or back here but we need to know what happen and decide where to go from there." Barry said getting a little irritated.

"Blade lets just get this over with." I said getting off the bed with Blades help.

"And no I can't open a breach all my powers  are weakened." I said giving Barry a knowing look.

"Well looks like I'm going to have give you guys a lift." Barry said before grabbing a hold of our shoulders.

"Wait what do you mean lift." Blade asked confused.

But Barry didn't answer he just did what he did best.


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