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So sorry this took so so long! I had immense writers block, hope you guys understand!

(The timeline for MHA and my story are very out of order, and I just need y'all to know that so you don't try and figure out where we are in the anime/manga and get confused!)

Please vote if you enjoyed, I know most people skip this part of the A/Ns, but it makes me very happy when you do! :)


December 10th, 2020.

I crossed out the day on my calendar, a big red circle on the 15th.
Just five small days, then we attack. I wonder how this is going to go. Hopefully well. _____ walked over to me, observing the calendar.

"Just five days y/n! Just five days and then we rule."

"I know, right? Almost feels like we're kids counting down the days til Christmas."

"Haha, true. Hey, you know what? I have an idea. After we destroy the hero society, let's go to England! Visit Buckingham! Try new foods! The only food we've had here is ramen."

"No no, ____. That's just because neither of us can cook something beyond scrambled eggs."

"Well, not wrong, but is that a good idea? We do have to be on the run once we screw with Japan too. Not to mention we've yet to do anything here. We've been acting like civilians. What heroes have we killed? Just promise me when we get to England we can have a little more action okay?"

I set the marker down on my night stand, intrigued by the idea.  ______ continued to share their thoughts.

"Moreover, you've been getting way too close to the league. Especially their leader, Shigaraki. I know them. I've been near them. None of them are mentally stable, and all are potentially lethal when disturbed. Our plan, y/n. Is to beat them to their own game. To inflict hurt onto the hero society, for not realizing that WE are the biggest threat Japan has to worry about. You don't want to set them off even more by becoming their friend. I'm just caring about you, y/n. I don't want one of our best moves to be upsetting to you that we have to leave them."

I thought about it, the words sinking in. _______ was 100% right. I was getting too close; too attached.

"Yea, you're right. Uh, I usually don't befriend new people, especially not the people we'll inevitably humiliate. My bad, haha-"

"Pftt, no worries y/n, just looking out for ya."

"Damn I really gotta stop befriending my enemies, huh."

"THERE'S the sarcastic little shit I know."

I rolled my eyes, and walked out of the room, smiling.

"Hey! Where is you going?"

"First of all, grammar. Try it some time. Secondly, I'm hungry and I feel like making waffle-cakes."

"Oh my gosh I love those!! Yes. I CALL STIRRING"

"Hey no fair- I wanted to stir."

"Well you missed your shot little-mister-purple-converse."

"I- rude. Also, wanna summon a wendigo in the woods today?"

"Sure! And you can test your slips on me!"

"Cool. But let's do it after the waffle-cakes."

"Of course!"

I grabbed the pre-made pancake mix and read out the instructions.
_____ grabbed the things we needed and set them on the counter, ready for use.  I bent over to the lower cupboards, and grabbed a small cupcake tin. I set the oven while _____ made the batter. Once it was ready, we both started adding the yeast. Yes, yeast. We stirred in the yeast and poured the batter into the cupcake moulds. We then put it in the toaster oven and waited for it to be ready.   _____ made coffee in the meantime. 10 minutes later the wafflecakes were ready. They're delicious! ____ and I sat down at the table, sharing coffee and wafflecakes. We'd used whipped cream as "frosting" so it was truly enjoyable.

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