holy shit.

57 2 4

uh- hi.

I Started this fic when I was 12. I'm 14 now. So it's definitely been a while.
It says I last updated in March, which is wow. Sorry about that, even though I think most of the readers of this story have stopped following the updates, considering they're all 10 months apart lmao

I'm here to say that I can do one of two things:

1) I can list this story as discontinued, and let it exist on the internet eternally, untouched.

2) I can continue and finish this story. I'm not desperately in love with Shigaraki like I was when I wrote this, but I care about him enough to be able to finish the story and have it be good and not half-assed. Most of the readers who followed the weekly updates are probably long gone, and each chapter only gets around a couple reads now, but I'm putting this out there just in case ONE person wants this story finished, or at least continued. I'm willing to do that. 

Put responses here ----------> 

Thanks, thats all.
Thanks for being super patient with my horrible godawful update schedule, if I can even call it that atp LOL


Lots of love,


☆ Tomura Shigaraki x gn! reader ☆ [discontinued :I]Where stories live. Discover now