Chapter 5: "Where are we?"

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Previously: "Hey– guys, sorry i got a little late–what are you guys doing?!" A person said with white clothing.


(Before you move- who do you think the guy is? °^°)

A bright light caught the attention of a person walking not far away. "What the honk is that?.." The unknown person whispered to himself.

They snapped their head backwards as they heard the bushes rustling behind them. They quickly raised their diamond sword and pointed it infront of them as they eyed the place for upcoming attacks.

They relaxed their body for a little as they thought 'probably some wild animal' as they closed their eyes while they rubbed their neck.
"Your letting your guard down." Someone said sharply infront of the unknown person.

They jolted backwards and fell as a 'thud' followed by a 'clang' was heard, The sword they held was now out of their grip, They panicked, eyes now open.

As they was about to get their axe on their inventory a cyan liquid drip on thier white spiral sweater.

They quickly looked at the person infront seeing a very familiar cloak. "Xd..?" The unknown person said, tilting their

"Perhaps you need to learn how to harden your grip from your weapon first." XD said while wiping the cyan blood from his face, helping the person stand up.

The unknown person let out a sheepish
chuckle,avoiding eye contact from the taller. "Sorry–" the unknown person quickly said.

" How have you been doing here, Time traveller?" XD asked to change the awkward air, as he slowly moved on the person's side.

"Been doing good?" XD added looking around. "Yup!" The person said popping the p, as they slowly started to walk.

"So– whats' up with the light thing" They started and pointed at the cyan light "there?" XD now looked to the light too.

"Even if i wanted to stay longer, i can't– En's keep shouting at me back in the end– *ehem* I mean I'm here to give you a task. More like i was forced here." Xd said as he smiled earning a soft chuckle from the person.

"But anyway– is it okay?" Xd asked, now looking at the person as he stopped walking. "Oh? What that may be?" The person asked back.

"Just a couple of mortals. I have something to do in the end and will be back for at least 3 days, I was going to let them go in the end but en shouted at me" He started as he wipes a fake tear.

"–And i was forced to get them to you." The Protector replied pouting. The person laughed a little Xd joining with his wheeze.

"So your saying– there are mortals in my Lawn– oh honk! The in-between armys' put traps in here!HERE!–" The person panicked.

"Please don't panic Kārl , I'm sure they can save there self, they've face more dangerous things" Xd stated floating near the person to try calm him down.

"Oh? Well then, that's okay!" The person said calmly. Xd stood there(well technically floated) staring at the unknown person.

'Duck you' Xd thought glaring at the person's back. "I can't– why are you doing this to me Kārl?" The person just chuckled silently.

"And i forget to tell you, you might know them as well." Xd said, with a snap of The Protector fingers he disappeared.

'I didn't even say my opinion yet..mehhh he wouldn't take a no for an answer.' They thought as they started walking where the signal that they could only see.


"Woah! Woah! Woah! Weapon's down please. Netherites' are not allowed here." The unknown person said raising hands up just to put them down again.

"Honk" "Xd you- You said they're only a couple! Now i know why En shouted at you! They can't even fit in your house, how can they fit in mine?!" The unknown Time traveller murmured after turning around from the group.

He calmed down and face the group again, his frown has been replaced with a smile." Alright, first i need you'll to take your armors off, replace them with any kind just not netherite."

The group exchange glances to each other and just silently followed well– except for you know–

"Who are you exactly?"Sam asked seriousness in his voice. The time traveller looked at the creeper hybrid for a second "oh, I'm not clearly sure but–" "What do you mean your not sure? Bitch." Tommy cutting of the person.

"Tommy." Tubbo glared at the loud blond "wha– right. Sorry– go on– " Tommy said, flinched by the sudden call and quickly stood back from the group.

"Okay– i'm known as Time here–" "wait. Karl?" A person said near a demon hybrid spoke. 'He looked familiar' Karl thought. "Oh? Yes? That's my name also." Karl answered with a smile.

Karl looked at the other person's infront of him " wait– how did you kno– oh yeah. XD told me that i somehow know you guys so don't freak out and just follow my lead." Karl stated.

" How are you here? Karl, and why are you wearing that kind of cloths?."Sapnap said now walking near the Time traveller. " Before i answer remaining question–" He stepped back. "You guys have, Let's out'ta here, or the In betw– Armys'! Yeah armys' find you guys."

Karl said backing closer to the trees as he spotted the poisoned arrow in the tree behind the group."in beet armys'? What? Is that a thing now?" Jack asked frowning." Here? Yes." Karl said eyeing them as they followed him entering the forest.



And so~ The hiding begone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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