Lovers smetimes hurt

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Vianes p.o.v
We just finished first day of school and luckily there were no more problems which made me in a good mood for the rest of the day. Chella was by myside the whole day literally being the most affectionate person to me and I know this is becuase she missed me and didn't want to take any chances of anyone else taking me from her again.

We got home and I needed to go shops to get groceries but Chella said she needed to stay home to clean and I agree the bedroom was a mess from previous activities that took place the night before..... anyways I was at the shops when I felt like someone stabbed my heart and it was like someone ripped my heart and I knew it was the souls mate and mate bond so I paid for everything and literally sped home. I see the guys car Chella is supposed to be apparently breaking up with in the drive way so I get out and go and unlock the door and when I do I come so obvious to the fact if smells like Chella everywhere and that guy so I go upstairs literally the only time preying I'm wrong.

I see the bedroom door closed and hear a whole bunch of moaning and I open the door to see Chella on bed naked with the guy as she is riding him and I nearly scream at the sight out of pain and I just fall to my knees dropping all my belongings and see Chella look back and quickly get off rushing towards me but I'm to fast and run down the stairs.

"BABY!!!!" I hear Chella yell with a big sob chasing me and I knew she wouldn't stop so I got out the door to see Cc and Dez come back I fun past them while hearing them call my name and I run onto the grass and fall to my knees letting out a pain howl and a howl saying I'm in pain and after that I'm breathless in the ground on my knees while I cry really loud slowly lowering myself to the grind into a fatal perdition cause of how much pain I feel.
"" Chella comes crushing down next to me on her knees and wiping my hair from my face while rubbing my cheeks and trying to kiss away my tears.
"It's ok Chella"I whisper feeling weaker every moment "NO BABY PLEASE IT WAS ALL FOR CLOSURE PLEASE I LOVE YOU IM READY FOR YOU I KEEP HURTING YOUNI KNKW BUT HANG IN THERE FOR ME" she screams in such a painful cry but I can't help but cry myself "shhhh shhh don't cry baby... not here not now not because of me... baby I'm in to much pain ok and I wanna die on my own if I don't die by your side calling you my wife... so please just let me go so I can die peacefully" I beg burying while she brings my head up and lays it in her arm while she crosses her legs bring me to her lap while she is rocking back and forth "no baby no...never please angels of the sky one more chance with her for me please I'm ready for her to be mine again... I want her to marry me... please dint take her not my baby not my love not again" she screams looking up while still rocking me... "baby?" I whisper she looks at my wiping my face while tears fall "yes baby... yes my love... yes my everything" she whispers while connecting our foreheads looking me in the eyes "wi...will w...we see ..e..eachother again" I say forcing out my words as breathing is becoming hard. "Yes baby always... we are eternity"she cries rocking us and I smile her my last smile before puking up blood "no baby no no don't do that please your scaring me you not supposed to be puking that up" she screams and quickly bring then cloth next to us and cleaning around my mouth carefully as possible.

"Your ok your ok it's just alittle blood your ok baby" she whispers wiping my face lovingly and I start struggling to breath and she cries to me "stop baby shhhhhh please breath don't stop your scaring me baby please breath" she says rubbing my chest like she is trying to heal my broken heart "baby call d...Dex o...over please" I whisper wanting to say goodbye to my sister my sister comes rushing over once she hears Chella call her.

"My sister, you have saved my life so many times... but I need you to do just one last favour for me before I go, is that ok?" I say breathless while Chella has her lips to my forehead holding me to her chest while crying "ok yes anything my dear sister what is it" she pleads "please look after Chella while I'm gone... She is everything to me and will always be... I need you to protect her like you would protect me... like a sister... and please don't get angry at her for this... she needed closure but I guess the angels don't like me that much" I say trying to laugh at the last bit but just came out as a cough "I need you to promise... I need my Chella alive... she needs to live for me... she needs to be happy... I love her so much that I would die a million times just to see one little smile if I had to" I say and Chella just connects her forehead to the side of my head while crying I reach up my hand behind me and rub her face and she grabs my hand and nuzzles and kisses it. "Goodbye my dear sister"I say with tears and she looks at me "goodbye sister... until the next life" she say having tears in my eyes "I'll always be with you" we both said as she hugged and kissed my forehead and went back to Cc crying in her arms.

"My love... look at me" I say grabbing her face with tears coming down both our faces "you are so beautiful" I whisper "one day... when all this is over... we will both get married and live that happily ever after that we always had hoped for... ok" I say and smile up at her "don't go please I beg you" she pleads attaching our lips I kiss back weakly and pull back and with as much effort I can I reach up and hug her for the last time and whisper in her ears "I love you Chella and I will continue to love you... I know you didn't want to hurt had to do what you had to do... you'll be ok... here" I say and crap the locket I had around my neck and give it to her there with the picture of us from our wedding day 400 years ago. She opens it and cry's while holding it to her chest while holding my hand on top of it "keep it safe for me baby... just while Im gone ok" I say in her lap still holding her to me. Then I start getting worse pain and my heart and breathing become unbearable and Chella is holding me while I shack "shhh shhh shhh baby I'm here it's ok I'm here my love you gonna be fine... it will be over in a minute ok... please hug me back one last time" she says while my head is on her shoulder while she holds me tight with her eyes closed not eating to see me take my last painful breaths, I put up all the last effort I had and put my arms around my neck while she lays us both down hovering over me that reminds me of beautiful mornings with her and there are tears coming done my eye as I see those memories that we made for the last couple of months. She is strolling my face never losing eyes contact with me while crying and singing me out wedding song and that's when I start to see all the memories I had becoming something like a movie and the last thing I herd was "see you in the next 1000 years my love and I promise I'll wait for you" Chella says and I become a spirit and look out side of my body as I see Chella leaning over my dead corps while crying hard and I look over at Cc on the ground with a screaming Dex while she looks at me and I know she can see me cause she is a witch.

I smile and look back at Chella laying next to my body while never leaving her eyes off my face while whispering loving words in my dead corps ear like she would do when I was sleeping and I was suddenly crying again looking at her so I look back at Cc and she is still looking at me "tell her I'll see her in the next 1000 years to... I love her and that I'm right by her side and tell her I hear her when she talks" I say and Cc tells Chella and Chella looks up and smiles with tears "promise" she says "I promise I love you" I say and Cc translates and Chella is crying "I love you more" she says chocked up "and I love you most my love" I whisper standing right in front of her as I want to kiss and touch her and wipe her tears but I can't... Cc looks at me and says she will take care of Chella and says I need to go to the other side now so I take one last look at Chella and memeorise her face "goodbye my love I'll see you soon" I say with a smile with tears and cc ofcourse translates. Chella smiles and says "I'll wait for you and we will go to school again together we won't change anything we will be still the same when you get back baby" she says smiling "good" I whisper while slowly walking towards the light that I'll be roaming the next 1000 years and turn and wave to Cc she waves and Chella noticed and looks for me "come here Chella you can see her walk to the light" Cc says and Chella walks to her and Cc holds her hand and lets her power be shared with Chella and Chella can see me now and looks at my crying hard "you look so beautiful baby" she sob cries "not as beautiful as you my love" I whisper and she smiles and does a heart to heart sight like we always used to do and I do it back and wave a goodbye to them and slowly walking backwards to the light while look at Chella and Cc as they both have tears in there eyes as Dex last minute grabs Cc hand so she can see me I look at her and say "remember what you promise me" I say with a joking point of my finger to her "of course sister, have a nice time there while it last" she says crying.

I feel a hand on me from behind and see friends for years ago when me and Chella were queens and smile at them then I look at Chella "I'll be ok love... I'll be back before you know it" I say with one last tear and I walk slowly backwards to the light and see me and Chellas friends bow to Chella "we will take good care of her my'lady" they say and she nods "thank you" while still staring at me going to the light and I give one last wave and they wave back with tears and I'm left to wounded the light with my friends.

And I go through the light and go to a deep slumber and dream about the love of my life.

Another note:
No this is not the last chapter it is far from over the next chapter is when she wakes back up and goes back into the world of living. With new arising problems.

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