Hidden secreats

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Viane p.o.v

I awake to no one in bed with just me and I get up and see that Chella has left her capbored open next to mine where she keeps all her jewellery and accessories and I go to close it but then catch a glimpse of a box towards the back like it was hidden and I grabbed it and it was a nice little box that seemed like it was holding something valuable and I check the door to see if it's closed and then look back at the box and slowly open the lid and I first see a tiny little hospital band and then I look down to find something shocking and hurting.

I take it out and place the box on the table I go and sit on the bed and go through years of photos of Chella, Chellas ex husband and a little girl that looked like a mix of both. And I instantly get tears and know what I'm thinking is what it is. Chella has another child and a normal one that she gave birth to with a man that used to be her husband and I keep shuffling through the photos and Chella looks like she is not suffering from me not being there and seemed almost... normal like she always wanted to be.

I hear the door softly open followed by a "baby are you up" Chella said and once she saw what was happening she freezes and I don't look at her I keep shuffling through the photos "she.... Uh... she's is beautiful" I say honestly while my heart is hurting and feeling like it's getting punched and tears roll down my face "she has your eyes" I whisper while smiling a bit but then I get up and I softly place the photos inside the box and softly close the lid and put it back and fix Chellas cupboard then I turn to see Chella looking at me while crying and I smile and go to her and whip her tears then kiss her forehead then go down stairs and walk outside the door not looking back.

I've been gone for hours but I got lost in my thoughts and I was thinking a lot about if my family or love ones actually needed me anymore in this world it just seems like I'm in the way of things now and I understand that now so I walk back home to find everyone on the couch waiting for me and they stand up straight away looking like they are worried but I can't hear them as there voices are muffled by my thoughts I just softly smile and go upstairs once I'm up I know Chella will try to talk so I chuck my head phones on, lock my bedroom door and grab bags and suitcases and start packing my things and make sure to grab every picture of Chella and Cam as I can as I cry and pack silently while listening to music I look at the wall to see it vibrate and know that Chella is most likely trying to come in but I don't budge.

I look down at my ring and I take it off and I play with it in my hands and remeber all the decades I have worn it and just become emotional to the fact that i dint know if I'll ever see it again. I look at the door and breath put still having to music playing and I go to the door with my bags and I open to see Chella across the door sitting against the wall on the floor crying and I go and kneel in front of her and she try's talking but I have my headphones as she try's to take them off I home her hands and out my ring in her hand and she looks at me shocked and I give her a small last time heartwarming smiling "I would do anything for you... I want you to remeber who we are who you fell in love with because I know that you have attracted yourself to another life of yours and I understand. I don't know if we will ever get back together in this life because I don't know if you will ever be... my Chella... my Chella was someone who would never do this to me.. she would do anything for me like I would for her... she would not even think about a child with anyone else" I say smiling while she cry's looking at me holding my face "I'm going to go... I know cam os not the biggest fan of me at this very moment.. but let me tell you that I know you love that girl like anything... she is ours... and I want you to be mine again someday even if that is in another life because I can't do this anymore Chella... I'm hurting so much... I don't know if this is what I deserve for what I have done through out my life.. but I know that you need time... I do too.. if you love me you will do this for me baby because everytime I walk into this house it's makes it so much harder ignore the fact that you have a distant look in your eyes when I wish you would be with me in this world and not some other life" I say and I stand and she grabs my hand again standing and grabbing me kissing me hard and takes off my head phones "I understand this time... I promise you I'll be the old Chella.. I'll find her.. for you... I love you so much and I'm so sorry" she says

She grabs my hand and places her ring in it and I understand that this is her way of telling me that one day I will put this ring back on her finger it just won't be today and I look at her and o hug her "please look after our baby... I'm only a phone call away when you feel like you are back to yourself baby" I say and I go to walk away as she grabs a tight hold of my hand that I have to pull harder till she had a hold of my fingers until finally she let go and forced herself not to go after me and I forced myself not to look back as I cry and head to the car and quickly push all ny things in and hop in the car and back out now to see Chella run out the front door and screaming for me to stop and begging me as she chases my car down the street and finally lets me go as I cry hard and drive and punch the steering wheel and decide to train myself until the day I get that phone call and when I do I'll be the happiest women on the planet.

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