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Me: ah yes! today is a perfect day for torture!

Me: *reads dare* oh boy today is going to be a long day...

Me: *snaps*

Everyone: *appears*

Me: hell everyone. It is daring time~

Trip: do we have to

Me: yes, you idiot

Trip: hey!

Me: hello

Trip: what- 

Me: here are the dares, my good people. @Haruka_303 This better have satosere in it- Anyways heres my dare >:) The classic make ash undense 😂 And misty i want to see you suffer so turn her into a bug and burn it with fire 😃😂 Serenaaa <33 i love you but you dont love me ;-; you have to confess to ash or else you'll be stuck with CAMEL. Camel if your in this story just prepare for the busses cuz your gonna get alot of them in the future >:) Drew , shave your hair >:)) May~~ no ramen for 3 days Dawn , you gonna confess your love for piplup cuz why not Yeah im out of dares for now >:)

Me: *inhales* my god, that was alot

Me: first one, make Ash undense

Me: *snaps*

Ash: hey since when did Serena become so pretty.

Everyone besides Ash: *facepalms*

Ash: What?

Misty: that's not how you talk a lady Ash

Me: Anyways... your turn Misty!

Misty: wait what?

Me: *snap*


Me: read the dare, honey

Misty: *reads dare*  WAIT YOU'RE GOING TO BURN ME!!!

Me: yep

Me: *lights Misty on fire*


Everyone else: *just stands there*

Me: *starts eating popcorn*


(time skip)

Me: that was a good show

Misty: *dead*

Ash: I cannot unsee this

Gary: no kidding

Me: *snaps*

Misty: *Alive*

Misty: guys what the hell!!

Everyone: *shrugs*

Me: anyway, Serena confess to Ash NOW

Serena: W-wait I d-didn't sign u-up for this!

Me: too bad

Serena: o-ok. Ash I r-really l-like y-you 

Ash: Awwww Serena I like you too

Me: yes, NOW KISS

Ash: fine *kiss*

Serena: *red as a tomato*

Girls: *hight pitch squeling*

Guys: my ears hurt...

Me: *snaps Camel here*

Camel: where am I 

Me: ruin amourshipping and your dead got it mule

Camel: *high pitch* ok

Me: good *snaps Camel away*

Me: ight Drew shave your hair *gives Drew a razor*


Me: I really don't care

Drew: what if I don't

Me: you will be stuck with all your fans

Drew: I'll do it

(5 minutes)

Drew: *is bald* I regret my decision

Me: *starts laughing* don't worry I'll use magic to grow it back once we are done.

 Me: Next up is May! 

Me: you can't eat ramen for 3 days

May: *starts crying*

Drew: don't worry April it's only 3 days 

May: shut up baldi

Drew: ExCusE mE!

Me: Dawn conffes your love for piplup-

Dawn: he's a friend

Pikachu: pika chu pi pik (D*mn he got friendzoned)

Piplup: *crying*

Me: anyway I'm tired so I can't do the rest. plus my mom wants me do chores so BYE!!!

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