Stuff happens

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Me: *yawn* 

Ash: hey maybe we should do some dares

Me: no thanks...

Luxray: -_-

Me: don't give me that look!

Luxray: *rolls eyes*

Me: fine... i'll do it

Garchomp: Gar gar chomp (f*cking finally)

Lucario: Luca Rio lu (about d*mn time)

Me: ok geez...

Ash: DARE TIME  *snaps*

Everyone: *appears*

Trip: again?

Me: *nods*

Infernape: Infer nape infer (more energy)

Me: fine... 

Me: you betcha!

Me: better?

My pokemon: *nod*

Me: Anyway time for some dares. first up is...  @UltimateGoomba either make Lillie realize how much Ash means to her, or make Lillie kiss Ash!

Me: the second one sounds easier so... Lillie kiss Ash

Lillie: *blushes* what no!

Me: do it now Mary Sue

Lillie: *kiss*

Serena: >:( 

Me: now, for the next one I haven't actually figured who Ash's dad will be soo... I'll do that later...

Me: bye... I'm tired.

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