
65 1 16

Ash: I'm bored...

Me: me too

Me: hmmm... *gets an idea*

Me: actually... 

Ash: *raise eyebrow*

Me: let's have you guys use Twitter... with me too of course

Ash: Great idea! *snaps*

Everyone: *appears*

Everyone: huh?

Me: you guys will be on Twitter

Everyone: What's that?

Me: I dunno *lies*

Me: Anyway here are your accounts

Ash: Poke_master69

Gary: Oaktree

Serena: Kalos_Queen

Lillie: Mary_Sue

Brock: therock

Misty: scaredofbugs

Dawn: No_need_to_worry

Paul: Purplegrouch

Clement: the_science_guy

Bonnie: Macthmaker

Kenny: Dumb_f*ck

Me: Link_not_amused69

Me: The 69 is there to confirm that we are admin

Kenny: Why do you get to be admin

Me: Shut up dumb fuck

Kenny: HEY!!

Me: whatever let's get started!


@Link_not_amused69 posted:

Kay now play nice and Kenny if you act like a bicth I will change your name to mamoswine face, got it? 

15 Likes  22 Replies


Dumb_f*ck: I bet he won't

Link_not_amused69: you DO realize I'm still here, right?

Dumb_f*ck: exactly

Poke_master69: strike 1. 3 strikes and your out

Dumb_f*ck: who made you admin

Poke_master69: the admin

Link_not_amused69: yeah that was a pretty stupid fucking question.

Dumb_f*ck: whatever... Dawn help me out here!?

No_need_to_worry: I'm staying out of this one  

Link_not_amused69: yeah, she's not going to do shit for you

Dumb_f*ck: this is 2 v. 1 this not fair

Poke_master69: cry about it

scaredofbugs: I'm on kenny's side. stop the bullying!

Link_not_amused69: didn't you physically abuse Ash and Brock at the beginning?

Poke_master69: yup.

therock: can confirm.

scaredofbugs: BROCK!?

therock: what? you hit Ash on the head with a LOG

scaredofbugs: whatever... i'm out 

Dumb_f*ck: me too, screw you guys

Link_not_amused69: go jerk off or something

Poke_master69: go whine somewhere else.


Kalos_Queen posted:

      hey, Ash, remember this!?

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      hey, Ash, remember this!?

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Poke_master69: of course! why would I forget that

scaredofbugs: what "that"

Kalos_Queen: is that jealousy

Link_not_amused69: yup

scaredofbugs: shut up! you can't even do a layup

Link_not_amused69: and you can barely train your pokemon

scaredofbugs: oh yeah! I can beat you in 2 seconds

Link_not_amused69: Oh yeah!? I can beat you faster than Gary's stamina!

Poke_master69: Really, Triple-A?

Link_not_amused69: yup ^-^

Oaktree: hey, I can last longer than 1 millisecond

Link_not_amused69: Damn lie.

Oaktree: at least I can last longer than Kenny

Poke_master69: True dat

Dumb_f*ck: hey! I can last longer than all of you

Link_not_amused69: really? because you got tired before you got in action.

Dumb_f*ck:  lies

Poke_master69: he speaks the truth!

the_science_guy: guys this is inappropriate

Link_not_amused69: how is doing track inappropriate?

The End

stay tuned for part 2!

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