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Dear Remus , 

Thank you. It's quite lame , just two words for all that you have done - but that is the best I know , and I am sorry.

After watching the stars , although I was drowsy , I compelled myself to complete the painting of the universe on my wall. You sat in a corner and watched me.

Merlin it seems such a long time ago that you approached me , asking me why I seemed sad. I painted , my brows creased and sweat beading my palms and forehead. Paint was lathered on my hands , but I did not stop. Somehow , I knew it was my last night on earth.

It baffles me how you can love someone like me. 

I am a leaf on a rose plant. It baffles me how someone like you can choose , not the beautiful petals pf the sanguine flower , but the pointed emerald leaves instead. Your choice , however , tells a lot about you - afterall , it is easy to love a rose , but it takes a lot to see beauty in a plain green leaf.

And you saw the beauty in me , and for that , I thank you.

As I painted a picture of us , holding hands on the cream walls , I looked behind to find your eyes drooping , and it was not long before you fell asleep completely. I smiled , adding the finishing touches to the picture. My hands trembled , and my heart was hammering in my chest. 

I crawled from there , across the floor - before sitting at my desk and writing the letter down. My fingers ached , and I just wished the sudden pain in my body would stop.

And now , here I sit , writing this letter down.

When you wake up , you will see the picture of the universe painted right beside you , onto my wall. 

It isn't the sun , or the stars , or the planets and asteroids. It's us. You and I. We are holding hands in the picture , sitting under a willow and looking out to the waters of the Black Lake. You are my universe , Remus. Before you came into my small universe , everything was bleak. Then suddenly , as I held your hand , my surroundings looked so promising and breathtaking that I could not breathe any longer from the joy it gave me.

I don't know if the artist added any colour to your canvas after I entered your world , but let's just hope that if I did not - you will find someone else who certainly will. You are one of the purest souls I have ever met , and one day - I hope you find happiness worth dying for.

I have already found mine , and I hope you find yours too.

Love ,


[ P.S. If I die , then make sure that you read the box of poems under my bed .]

Love , Remus »» REMUS LUPIN✔Where stories live. Discover now