Roast Leg of Lamb Day

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Each year on May 7th, National Roast Leg of Lamb Day makes a menu suggestion worthy of a celebration. The leg of lamb is a mild and tender cut of meat that, when roasted, is a unique and tasty dish to many. A typical preparation involves covering the leg of lamb with butter, rosemary sprigs pushed inside incisions cut in the leg, and rosemary leaves sprinkled on top. The lamb is then roasted for two hours at 360 degrees.

Lamb is lean red meat loaded with nutrition. Of course, it's going to deliver the protein at 25 grams per 3 ounces serving. But it also provides potassium and vitamin B-12. Another good reason to eat lamb is the iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Roasted or grilled vegetables pair well with roast leg of lamb. Consider asparagus, roast cauliflower, or tomatoes. Mix up a spring salad or for a touch of acid, a coleslaw. Rice complements lamb, too, as do mashed or baked potatoes. Add your favorite gravy or herb sauce. Finish the meal with a chocolate souffle or lemon tarts.  

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