Escargot Day

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This day is in honor of the famous French dish of cooked land snails. Escargot is enjoyed by many. However, it is an acquired taste. It is usually served as an appetizer in French restaurants.

Escargot {es.kar.go} is the French word for snail.

Escargot were the first animals to be farmed by man; archaeological evidence has found traces of heliciculture going back thousands of years. They are consumed across the whole of what used to be the Roman Empire.

The dish of Escargot is usually prepared by removing the land snails from their shells, cooking them with garlic, butter and wine. They are then placed back into their shells with the sauce for serving. The dish is served with a special fork and tong for easier dining. Escargot are high in protein and low in fat (without the butter).

In France you can find tinned snails, with a carton of empty shells attached, and specially dimpled plates to serve them on. 

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