Chapter 2

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It has been a week since we moved in here and it was quite an eventful start. I could hear footsteps inside my room and the feeling of being watched in every corner.

Whenever I slept, I would keep dreaming of the same thing. My neck wrapped around someone's hands. I heard a knock on my door and I got up and opened it, "Breakfast is ready, (y/n)." Alex yawned and left.

I closed the door and looked outside, it was snowing. We moved here around December, just in time to have our first Christmas celebration here.

I put my gaze at myself on the mirror at the vanity and picked up the comb as I began to brush through my (h/l), (h/c) hair.

My thoughts went elsewhere as I think about outside and how that would be a good chance to get away for the night, away from the creepy things that's happening to me that is.

I stopped combing through and sighed, but that would mean going out at night. "Just one night." I said to myself as I placed down the comb at the table.

I went downstairs and saw that they were already eating without me. I sat down beside Alex and began to eat what was on my plate; a piece of ham, three slices of bacon, toast with butter and an egg.

I looked up and gazed down at the table with no sight of coffee, "Do we have coffee? Tea?" I asked. "We don't, we're just about to head out after breakfast actually hun." mom explained and I nod in reply. "I'm going out tonight." I announced as I took a bite of my toast, feeling the creamy butter in my mouth.

"I heard there's a festival going on at the outskirts of town tonight!" Alex replied, 'You should totally go, (y/n)." Alex took a bite of his toast and both of our parents agreed.

"It can let you catch a break." dad smiled at me and I chuckled, "Yeah"

"Seriously though, you're just being paranoid (y/n). I can't hear any noises at all and I'm just right beside you." Alex rolled his eyes.

I told them about those noises I've heard but they just think I am being paranoid, but I really don't know which one to believe in.

When mom and dad went out, I was the only one left in the dining area. Alex already went up to his room. Just a week ago, this house was very empty.

More empty than an abandoned home, but now this place looks livelier. The windows has curtains and the corner became filled with decorations and furniture, it started to feel like home.

My thoughts were suddenly burst when I heard a loud thud coming from outside the dining area. I peered out but saw no one, thank god.

Then, I heard it again. I looked at the direction of what led to that sound and was met eye to eye with the basement door. It was just across from the dining area and was locked shut. It was the only metal door and the only thing that can't be opened.

When we went down the stairs to the basement back then, there was another metal door that won't budge.

I shivered from the thought of something scary but shook it off as I thought of something more logical, like something of an animal. I'm just freaking myself out, I thought to myself.

II went up to my bedroom and searched through my closet, distracting myself with what to wear for tonight. If I'm going to meet new people, I might as well give a good first impression.

It was cold outside so I decided to wear a brown sweater and a scarf for warmth around my neck, a pleated, gray maxi skirt and leather jump boots.

I heard the door behind me creek open as I turned to my heels and saw Alex, "You scared me." I heard Alex laugh and stepped inside my room.

"Think of it as payback." he winked and looked at the clothes I laid on my bed, "You got your pepper spray, right?" Alex asked and I nod. "Good, I think you'll be just fine. If you don't like someone just run the heck out of there!" Alex said as I laughed, "Definitely." I agreed.

He left my room as I plop myself on the bed, "I hope I don't die tonight." I whispered to myself.

𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now