Chapter 18

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The soft mattress felt nice beneath the touch. The stars twinkled in the serene moonlight, giving me the sense of tranquility like it did in the first nights I had ever spent here. At least the sky were always with me, the only thing that could be a charmer that helps me go into a deep slumber.

I count every second that passed by, waiting for the clock to strike midnight. Everything felt slow like it was taunting me, the sense of thrill got the better of me.

To pass the time, I pondered of the things that could possibly happen. Maybe a little date? Or something more romantic. The thoughts ran in my head like the white rabbit, and it was making me lose my patience. I tossed and turned on the bed, trying to figure out the possibilities. Though, I shouldn't expect much.

Eventually, the clock from outside rung. I bolted out of my room and went down the stairs, smoothening my hair from any baby hairs that poked out.

I was met with a single lit candle at the bottom of the stairs. "Perseus?" I called out his name quietly, the room was dark and dim. The only source of light was the candle lit in front of me. The curtains withdrew all in a spur, the giant windows came to view.

Once more, I saw the beautiful crystal-like stars that scintillate. I heard a heavy door creak open to my left, it was the basement door.

I slowly stepped back, retracing to my steps up the stairs. "(Y/n)," I heard a faint voice call out for me. I flinched and looked at the basement door once more to see Perseus there with a smile.

"Sheesh, you scared the shit out of me," I rolled my eyes and went towards him. I saw a gap between his fingers and the basement door, my eyes widen at the surprise. "How did you.." my words faded away when Perseus pulled me inside.

I felt his hands cinched to my shoulders, slowly leading me down to the second door. "My surprise awaits, are you excited?" he asked but I could only focus my gaze on the door.

Ever since that dream, I avoided the basement as much as I could. Yet, here I was facing it again. "Wh...why here?" I stopped from my tracks, I could feel his fingernails digging onto my shoulders.

There is someone walking behind you

Turn around, look at me

There is someone watching your footsteps

Turn around, look at me

I could hear the song play behind the door. I winced in pain from his fingers, "Walk, (y/n)." he demanded, his voice unexpectedly toneless. I did what was told and he opened the door, I felt my stomach tighten in a knob. My face turned pallor, like I just saw a ghost.

My hands began to tremble, I bit down a scream and turned around to look at Perseus with a huge grin on his face. "(Y/n), do you like it?" he laughed and turned me around, I could hear his muffled screams through the gag.

His face painted with red, the chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles that held him captive. The shackles clanked, his body trying to crawl towards me. I stepped back, a tear falling down to my cheek.

"What the fuck...Perseus.." I was baffled to the point that my legs wanted to run away on its own. I felt strong hands squeezing the sides of my head, keeping me in place. "Look at him, (Y/n)! Look at him!" he pushed me forward, my eyes not wanting to look at the sight before me.

"I...I don't want to!" I screamed back, closing my eyes. "Kill him, (y/n)." he whispered through my ear and gave me a knife. This must be a dream, it must be.

Perseus lets go of me and I stared down at Eric, he shook his head no with pleading eyes. The song rung through my ears, rewinding every time it finishes. Clenching onto the knife, I turned around in an instant and stabbed Perseus.

He stepped back, the knife sticking out of his chest. I stride backwards, watching him stumble and lean on the door. "St...Stay back!" I screamed in a stutter, he looked at me with a smug smirk.

I cringed when he took out the knife, his blood staining the blade but he did not winced. The knife dropped down on the floor, hearing the sound echo throughout this narrow room. The stab wound healed in an instant, as if he was just regenerating back to normal without any medical treatment.

Perseus frowned and took a step forward, "Wh...who are you." I demanded an answer. In one blink, he was already in front of me. His gaze towering me over. "Aren't you being too friendly for this asshole, my dear (y/n)?" he caressed both of my cheeks, leaning forward.

His eyes glowed a crimson red, I felt penetrated from his stare. "Are you not happy with my surprise?" he frowned and let's out a sigh. "You're crazy," I pushed him away and ran to the door, but was only pushed back with Perseus's tight grip.

"Help me! Help! Someone, please!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "No one will hear you, (y/n)," Perseus answered back but I ignored him. "I've made them all fall asleep in a deep...deep slumber." he laughed, his maniacal cackle echo throughout the room. For a moment, I thought I saw his nails grow sharper. Grandma wasn't crazy as I thought.

"I know grandma wouldn't let this happen! I know she wouldn't fall for your trap!" I scowled, furrowing my brows.

"Your grandma is a fool, (y/n). She think she knows so much, but she knows so little," he pulled me towards him, his eyes glowing red once more. We could hear Eric's muffled screams, Perseus kicked him in the face as he stumbled backwards.

He leaned forward to my ear, feeling his breath against my cheek. I stayed still, not wanting to move an inch. "I can hurt your family like the way I did to your grandfather, (y/n)." Perseus whispered, my body felt numb like it just shut down.


"Isn't it obvious, my dear (y/n)? That comrade that she tells you story of is your grandfather." he licked his lips, chuckling in a darkly tone. I looked into his eyes, trying to find a hint of remorse or even a hint of trickery. I pinched myself, but Perseus only laughed at my attempt of waking up.

Finally, I gave up. My eyes stung with tears, his face going to a blur. "Don't hurt my family, Perseus. Please..." I plead, crashing down on my knees. "Tell me, Perseus. What do you want? You can have me! my blood? My virginity? whatever it takes!" I sobbed, trying to find the answers he want.

A smirk formed to his lips as he looked at Eric then back to me. He roughly stood me up, "Marry me, (y/n)." he grinned.

𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now