Chapter 16

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Perseus's POV

(Y/n) fell asleep on my lap, the crack of dawn peaks out from behind the mountain tops. The clouds lit with warm light as the rising sun announces the coming of a new day. Disgusting.

It was like coming in contact with my adversary. The slow rise of the sunset gave me the ailing feeling, making me slowly depart from life. As if I even have any, the irony.

When we arrived in front of the house, (y/n) was still in a deep slumber. I was far from the word stupefy, I wanted her by my side and that was what I did. I couldn't bring myself to give her the same lady luck as my other victims. Instead, I gave her a drink with dissolved sleeping pills.

Would it be a fun to love someone whose dead? No. I wanted to look at her, for hours upon end. Until now, I was not near from tedious and could watch her until the end of the world.

The door opened and (y/n)'s mother hurriedly went towards us, I immediately went inside with (y/n) on my grip. "Oh my, thank god (y/n) is safe!" her mother sobbed, she guide me to (y/n)'s room.

I placed her down, her silky (h/c) hair laying softly on her pillow. I stepped back with a smile on my face, fighting back the yearning of her touch.

Her mother caressed her cheek with the sought of solace. The smile on my face slowly faded away, the longing felt like it lasted for just a second until it melted away completely. I could hear her whispering sweet nothings to her daughter, "I love you, (y/n). I'm so glad you're safe, hun."

The ray of sunlight hit my face, but a barrier of four walls surrounded me in invisibility. The world was suddenly drained in colors, the time coming to a halt. Just like that, I felt hit by a huge wave of disconsolation. A warm hand caressed my cheek, my eyes widening in shock.

A foggy memory appeared, though I couldn't picture it whole. "Are you okay, Perseus?" asked (Y/n)'s mother with concern, when I blinked everything was back to the way it was.

I stared at her, "I'm fine, Mrs. (l/n)," the smile that dwindled came back. The barriers that broke coming to a stop, making me feel weak once more. The scorching sensation getting more ablaze in every second I stood there. "I have to go, Mrs. (L/n)." I excused myself, "Thank you for bringing my daughter back safe." she replied softly.

(Y/n)'s POV

I tossed and turned, feeling the comfy, soft blankets touching my skin. When I woke up, I was met with the white lilies and 6 roses on a glass vase beside me.

My mind were bleared from what had occurred last night, but one thing for sure was that the kiss was the only thing I could last remember that felt heavenly.

When I went down the stairs, I was met with eight eyes resting on me. "Ah, (y/n) darling, just in time for lunch!" dad announced. I sat beside Norah who seemed to be unfazed about everything that happened yesterday night, but I couldn't be the same.

"I'll take that you two resolved everything?" I whispered, "Yes, we did." she winked at me and we both gave out a quiet laugh. Alex was too immersed on his phone to even hear our small talk.

"You young whippersnappers are too engage on those snobby little phone of yours!" said an old, frail voice behind us. Alex's phone flew off his hand with a swift catch from a pair of veiny hands, "Grandma! Since when did you get here?" I smiled and hugged her.

"Oh my, oh my! You've grown, (Y/n)!" she caressed both of cheeks, "How old are you, dear?" she asked "I'm...I'm eighteen, grandma." I replied back, her hands squishing my cheeks as if I was a toddler.

The last time I saw her, I was just a tiny youngster. My grandma always told me stories about vampires, with those mary-sue-like features and pallor skin that shun as bright as the celestial moon but she always told me that vampires varies in different shades too.

She considered herself a vampire hunter, and how she met one once. As a child, it wasn't that difficult for her to make me enamored with vampires. Except for the parts where she told me how she would kill them in the most friendly manner.

Though, mom and dad never seemed to be fond of her telling me such stories. They would often quarrel in their room how my grandma was crazy to believe in a folklore.

Grandma never changed even a bit. She still had the same fashion sense, the same curly, shoulder length, ginger hair and orange scarf around her neck. Grandma wore a white, sleeveless high neck shirt and a pair of slim fit, dark washed jeans and orange pumps.

She finally let's go of me and pinched my cheek one more time, "Ow." I let out and she chuckled with a smile.

"Ah, you must be Norah?" she asked and Norah stood up immediately, they both shook hands as my brother and I exchanged looks. Grandma let's out a long sigh, touching Norah's blonde hair. "Look at the length of your hair, my dear. Do you ever cut your hair?" she asked with a stern face.

Alex cursed and his breath and stood up beside Norah, "Grandma, let's eat." he smiled. "My little Alex, you're all grown up!" she smiled and messed his hair. "Aren't you a big lad, do you have plans on moving out anytime soon?" she tilts her head.

"I am, Grandma." he answered back, avoiding her gaze.

As we ate, the only thing that could be heard was forks and spoons hitting the glass plate, Norah ate slowly and avoided grandma as much as she could.

"So, (y/n) my dear, are you still with that troublemaker? Seriously, he had done nothing but trouble to you, he's a bad influence." she asked with her side comment uttering out of her pink stained lips. "No, grandma I-"

"Finally, good news!" she laughed.

"Mother, she actually has a new boy that you'd like!" my mother smiled as grandma raised a brow with a hint of enigma gleaming through her eyes. "Who might this lucky, person be?" she turned to me.

I gulped, feeling my throat tightening to even say his name. "Perseus, mother. He's really a charming young boy." my mother answered for me, seeing the peer pressure written all over my face. Grandma looked with pure cynical, "You seem to be fond of the boy, Victoria." she replied back, looking for a triumph from her daughter.

They don't exactly have the best mother and daughter relationship, though I never knew why. My mother ignored her reply and continued to eat, the room gave me a premonition even if it was only the silverware that could be heard.

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