Chapter 24

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I went to the bonfire, setting the torches on fire as I gave it to each individual that lined up. Miranda wrapped a long chain to her fist and heated it up in the fire. "Miranda, watch out!" I screamed as she turned around and slashed the silver chain to the creature.

She hissed in pain, the chain wrapping around the woman's wrist. Miranda pulled the chains toward her, the woman struggling to break it off. She must be weak from the silver, maybe even weaker if the sun rises. Miranda pulled more with force, stabbing the woman with the stake to her heart.

"You must know two things, (y/n). Silver and heat is their biggest weakness." Miranda explained, taking the stake off of the woman's chest. "The bride! The bride!" I heard a high-pitched cackle, I looked back in front of me with my torch on fire.

I gripped on it tight as I saw two women lunging towards me with claws sharper than a knife.

Miranda stood beside me. I wavered the torch, making them lurched backwards. I looked in every direction, it was as if they were teleporting in every second. In one blink, they were already in one place to another.

"Why must you run?"

"The prince! The prince! He's waiting for you!"

They laughed in unison, it all rung in my ears. Their strident, harsh voices felt inches away from me, I felt like my ears were about to bleed, and the only thing I wanted was for them to shut up.

The Prince? I shook the thought away, reserving it for later. I heard Miranda let out a scream and I looked around, seeing her struggling in the grasps of one of the women.

She wore a black cloak and a hoodie, hiding her demented looking face. I turned around before the other woman with the same garments got me. "Stay back!" I furrowed my brows, waving the fire as it gleamed on her harsh looking face. A huge scar was across her, her lips curved into an atrocious grin.

She backed away as I closed into her. The fire touched her hood, she began to panic and stagger to the ground. "Gisella!" the other one screamed, I went closer and turned to the other woman. "Let go of her or I'll set her even more on fire, bitch." I threatened, pushing her on edge.

I looked at the sky, the sun was beginning to rise. "The sun! The sun Gisele! The sun!" the other one screamed in terror, repeating her words as if that wasn't enough with a claw pointing in fear as she trembled.

I waved the fire in front of her face, Gisella glowered in response and before she could even make a strike, Castriel swung an axe inches away from her throat. Gisella sunk her teeth down on her upper lip without moving an inch.

For the first time, I saw sadness tinging her eyes. On the other half, Castriel was clouded with the intense repugnance to someone like her. I don't blame him though.

I looked back at the woman named Gisele, "Let go of her, now." I demanded sternly. She looked at Gisella, the sun shining bright as I saw her face more clearly from the morning dawn. They were twins. Gisele drew back from the light.

She hissed in pain and lets go of Miranda. "Give me back my sister!" she yelled, stepping forward. Miranda ran towards us as Castriel slit Gisella's throat. The woman named Gisele froze in place, her mouth agape and eyes wide as a circular bowl. A tear fell down to her cheek as she went down to her knees, screaming in pure terror.

"You will pay for what you've done to my sister!" she yelled, a black mist appearing beneath her feet. "I will make you suffer an inevitable death!" Gisele shouted in a shrill tone. Her eyes glowed crimson red, almost blinding me. Castriel dusted off his jeans from Gisella's ashes as he stood up.

Gisele's arms turned short, her claws arching inwards with her ghostly dew skin turning into a jet-black, feathery texture. Her tall figure shrinking with her nose extending forward, slowly pointing as her long, straight hoar, silvery hair shortened as if it got suck inside her skull.

Gisele turned into a raven, flying at the opposite direction of the sun with a loud caw echoing above. I looked around, the other foul creatures shapeshifting into a raven and a bat.

Finally, they all left. "We survived!" a man yelled as the people began to cheer while the others mourn the deaths of their comrades.

I frowned at the sight but was snapped out of my thoughts when someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Miranda with a small smile. "Thank you, (y/n)." she said as I hugged her, "I'm sorry..." I whispered, feeling the same amount of grief as the people that grieved to their allies death.

She pushed me back and slapped me across the face softly, "It's not your fault. It was the beasts who did it, (y/n)." she lift my chin up, and before I could even reply back I felt a sharp pain inside my chest.

My heartbeat raised fast, palpitating every second I take a breathe. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Castriel asked in a tremulous tone, taking a step towards me. My chest felt tight, my heart felt like it wanted to burst. "It hurts!" I cried, feeling weak as the sun hits my face.

I felt weak, I couldn't stand the light. My knees broke down on the dirt, Miranda caught my shoulders and called a few people over, I couldn't move without the burning sensation. "Get her to the tent! Quickly!" I heard Miranda ordered in the same tone like the first time we met.

They carried me to the tent, the scrutinizing pain taking over every part of my body. What's happening to me? I asked myself.

With one blink, I felt my unconscious body falling in a pit hole of a void. I crashed down, but it doesn't seem painful.

I got up like the limp was never there. I was back in the same pearly white void, the hole that I fell in ceasing to exist. I turned around with heavy eyelids, seeing the enigma of the person I wish to turn a blind eye from. "found you." Perseus winked, a grin of ecstasy.

"Ah, I'm very surprised." I replied back toneless, plastering a shocked face with crossed arms. "You're truly something, (y/n)." he puts a hand to his chin, exposing his fangs.

"What did you do to me?" I asked sternly, looking at him with daggers I wish to pierce through. In a blink, my thoughts came true as they all surrounded Perseus who, in this situation, was nonchalant.

"Shock, (y/n)? Don't be! This is, after all, a dream. Every illusion you make, it can come true," Perseus laughed, echoing throughout the void with an amused look on his face.

I was stunned after the void turned into a busy restaurant. Perseus sat across from me, the same food sitting at our table from last time. I looked around with astonishment and a labyrinth of thoughts.

Everything in this restaurant had every intricate detail, the more I looked the more I recognize the unfamiliar faces.

"Honestly, I puked after eating these disgusting food," Perseus jabbered the plate with his fork, looking down on it like garbage.

He fixed his gaze at me, his eyes drawing me in. "But you. Just looking at you already makes me full, (y/n). I want you, and I always get what I want," he took my hand, squeezing it tightly. His tongue lapped over his sharp fangs.

"I get it now, (y/n). How thirsty those girls were for me, I feel it! No one ever made me feel this way! I want you, (y/n). You're mine, I own you." Perseus scratched my hand, drawing a vile of blood.

"I'm not yours to own, Perseus." I tried pulling my hand away, but struggled. He pushed me forward as I stood up, "the ring says otherwise."

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