Chapter 25

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In a gasp, I awoke. My head throbbed, like it was getting stabbed by a thousand knives. I felt a warm hand touch my forehead, when I fluttered my eyes open I saw Miranda's face. "You were ice cold, (y/n). Are you feeling any better?" she asked in a frown, her eyes meeting mine with a discerning concern.

I slowly got up from the bed, looking around in the unfamiliar tent. A table was just beside my head with a red lamp, the floor had countless of books and knives on a small straw basket. "Where am I?" I asked, "Castriel's tent, (y/n)," Miranda replied as she got up from her knees, taking a silver cup with water.

"You must drink, (y/n). You're dehydrated." she nudged the cup forwards, I looked at the cup with the sense of fear lurching my stomach. With hesitation, I took it. A touch was all it took as I screamed in agony, my palms turning red with smoke vanishing above in thin air.

I threw the cup away, going backwards on the bed. It felt like pins and needles sharply prickling my palms, my eyes began to be teary with my sight going to a blur. "It hurts Miranda! Get it away from me!" I yelled, looking down at the silver cup as it taunted me with a gleam.

Questions ran through my mind, rummaging through and trying to comprehend the agony. My heart palpitated with my palms sweating, could it be I'm one that I detest? The thought already made it worse as I felt my heart drop.

Miranda looked at me with a fixated look and slowly reached down for the silver cup, "Does it burn?" she looked up at me as I nod in reply.

"Am I turning into one of them?" I bit down on my bottom lip, I looked at her with her eyes darting left and right with a puzzled look. "(Y/n), you must not speak of this to anyone but Castriel and I or I'll have no options but to decapitate you." she pressed down on her words with a fair warning, with her stern eyes I already knew the answer to my question.

"But why...why must you kill me, Miranda?"

"My people fear the likes of you, (y/n). They would want you dead."

"You act like I am them. If I was, I would be staring at your lifeless body right now." I answered as Miranda stepped forward, "You have to go, (y/n). Day by day, you will be them." she stood up and looked away from me with the silvery cup at hand.

I stared at Miranda, opening the tent as the light hit my face. I expected a strike of an excruciation but there was nothing, the light gave no desire to treat me like a beast. "I am no beast." I mumbled to myself.

I heard a phone ringing on my backpack, I bolted out of the bed and rummaged through my stuff. My eyes sparkled in ecstasy when I saw the bold letters of my siblings name, in a swipe I answered the phone.

"(Y/n)! Oh thank god you answered! where are you? Mom and dad are--"

"(Y/n)? Where are you honey? Are you okay? The police officers are looking everywhere for you!" My mother sobbed through the phone, I could hear an unfamiliar voice from behind them. Mother? Whose that voice I'm hearing?" I asked in a panic.

I could hear the phone shuffling sounds, like it was getting passed to someone. "(Y/n)! Where are you darling? Do you know how worried I am trying to find you?" I heard the piercing, velvety tone through my ears. I couldn't speak, as if my throat was being clenched with two hands.

"Perseus, what are you doing with my family?" I asked in a stern, getting up from my bed and biting down on my nails to calm myself down. "I'm taking them hostage. What fun, isn't it?" he chuckled through the phone, "Stay away from them, Perseus! I'll fucking kill you." I threatened through the phone with my hand gripping on the cell in distress.

"Let's make a deal, (y/n). Come back to me and I'll let them be, or I can make them suffer an inevitable death. Your choice, (y/n)." before I could even reply back, Perseus dropped the phone.

I looked down on my phone with trembling hands, I felt defeated.

Perseus's POV

"Ah, good job!" I clapped my hands while they struggle in their binds, Gisele's claw inches away from Alex's throat. "Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to you!" Alex screamed, backing his head away from Gisele's claws.

"You and your family is her weakness, and I want her. I gave her a choice, let's just see how loyal she is to you disgusting beings." I glared, signaling Gisele to muffle their voices.

I looked away from them as I stared at the door. Once I got her in my grasps, I'll make her truly mine. I will show her everything, how beautiful hell can be.

Once the blood moon rises, I shall prevail with my wife's reincarnation.

The chilling excitement made me want to clench on their necks. I wanted to smell her purity, to drain it all away from her peculiarity.

In a snap, I heard the door creak open.

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