Transfer Student

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Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Hagakure opened the classroom door and walked in. "Morning everyone!" Hagakure called out into the classroom. "Morning guys! How was your walk?" Deku asked. The three went to their seats as Yaoyorozu responded. "It was great. There was a surprisingly good breeze blowing outside today." Yaoyorozu said with a small smile, setting down her bag on her desk. "It was nice, but I had to hold down my ear lobes for a bit." Jirou said with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. Hagakure bounded up after setting down her bag. "Hey everyone, I overheard some of the teachers talking in the faculty room on our way here. Apparently there's--" "Hagakure, I know the news is exciting, but please do not spoil the surprise for the rest of the class." Iida quickly interrupted in his usual semi-obsessive manner. Hagakure brought her fists close to her body. "Aww come on Iida, can't you make an exception just this once? Please?" Hagakure pleaded.

Iida shook his head. "If you tell them the news it would cause rumors to spread amongst the school. That type of behaviour is unacceptable." Iida declared, crossing his arms. Deku tilted his head to one side. "What is it Hagakure?" Deku asked, making Hagakure perk up. "Apparently there's a--" "Hagakure!" Iida said commandingly. Hagakure tensed up with her arms to her sides. "Iida!" Hagakure said a little angry now. Jirou began laughing quietly, as Yaoyorozu smiled awkwardly. "It's fine Hagakure. I'm sure the teacher's will tell us about it soon. That is, if it's even relevant to us." Yaoyorozu assured. Hagakure sighed in defeat, dropping the topic for now.

The door to the classroom opened and walked in Shoto Aizawa, one of the teachers for class 1-A. "Okay everyone, take your seats before the bell rings." Aizawa said in his monotone voice as he walked towards the podium at the front of the classroom. Everyone immediately took their seats. "As I'm sure some of you have heard, the other teachers and I were talking in the faculty room." He said setting some papers down on the podium. Hagakure started shuffling in her seat all giddily. Aizawa sighed but merely ignored her. "Today we have a new student, transferring over from a school in China." He said knowing exactly what was going to happen. Everyone's eyes widened and they immediately began asking questions. "Really?! From China?!" "What's their name?" "What's their quirk like?" "Are they a permanent student?" Question after question flew at Aizawa. He retained his calm tired expression. "Quiet!" The intensity of his voice didn't match his expression. Everyone immediately quieted down. "All I'll say is that they got in on official recommendations. Please treat them with respect. If you'd like to introduce yourself now." Aizawa said still holding his deadpan stare.

The door to the classroom opened and in walked a peculiar sight. An anthropomorphic phoenix with red and purple feathers, wearing a seemingly modified school uniform. The sleeves extended as if it were on a kimono, and he was wearing a miniskirt that divided into pant legs extending all the way down to his ankles. He walked towards the podium and stood next to it. He turned to the class and bowed deeply. He stood up straight and smiled warmly at the class. "Greetings, my name is (Y/n) Zhuque. You may address me as Zhuque." The bird addressed them with his seemingly piercing yet warm gaze. Everyone's eyes slightly widened as they looked on in awe. Near the back of the class, a certain crow seemed to be starstruck, this new student had an elegant air about him and what was up with his uniform?

Aizawa turned his head towards Zhuque. "Take any seat you want, there's a seating order in here but that hardly matters now." He said gesturing towards the classroom seats. Zhuque nodded and looked for an empty seat. "Zhuque, I have a seat over here if you'd like." Yaoyorozu said raising her hand to get his attention. Zhuque smiled and walked over to her. He sat down and pulled in his chair toward the desk. "Thank you, I appreciate the gesture. Ms...?" Zhuque said looking at her expectantly. "Yaoyorozu, and this is Jirou." She said gesturing towards her friend. "Hey." Jirou said coolly. "Now if you'd please open your textbooks to page 437." Aizawa said as he began his lecture. Zhuque took out his bag seemingly from nowhere and pulled out a text book. Several students noticed and gave him an odd look. "Pay attention to the lesson." Aizawa said in a strict manner, easily getting everyone to go back to their textbooks.

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