Chapter 3

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The group passed several inns and bars, none of which intriguing Harry as much as Zonko's did.

"Wow!" he said, causing everyone else to smile. When they entered, James noticed a collection of stuffed toys. 

"Did you see the way that Harry was holding the blanket last night?" whispered James to Severus. 

"Yeah, I did," replied Severus, fully picking up James's cues. "But I don't know which he'd want."

"Why don't we see which one he favors, and then surprise him later?"

"Good idea. I don't have anything on me but Sickles, though."

"I'll pay," offered James.

"Thanks," smiled Severus.

Harry, who was holding Remus's hand and dragging him all about the store as he tried to converse with Sirius, had already wandered over to a small bin of plush owls. He lifted up a brown one with blue eyes and a black-and-white speckled chest, and he smiled. 

"Look!" he said to Remus. "It's an owl!" Then he set it back down and pulled Remus to the sweets with surprising strength for a three-year-old.

James nodded at Severus and discretely picked up the owl. He handed it to Sirius, along with 14 Galleons. 

"This is a surprise for later," said James. Sirius understood and silently walked away, holding the owl. James came back over to Severus, Remus, and Harry.

"Got it," he said so only Severus could hear him. Severus smiled a bit. Harry was staring, wide-eyed, at a chocolate frog. Right beside it sat a newer sweet--a chocolate mouse. 

"It's like Wormytails," said Harry. "Papa, Daddy! Can I get this for Wormytails? I think I made him sad when I said I didn't know him yesterday. This will make it all better!" 

Severus and James grinned at Harry's thoughtfulness. 

"Absolutely, Harry," James handed the sweets-woman a Galleon for the chocolate mouse, and soon Harry was skipping joyfully, holding a "presen" for his friend "Wormytails." 

They did bump into Peter several minutes later.

"Wormytails!" shouted Harry, rushing over to him to hugging his leg. "I got you a presen! Here!" Harry handed the box to Peter, who smiled and opened it. 

"Oh... thank you, Harry, I love it," said Peter when he saw the sweet. 

"I picked it out all by myself!" beamed Harry, quite proud of himself. Severus felt another jolt of loving pride for Harry at this. 

"Thank you, Harry," said Peter. 

"He was very excited to get this for you," said Severus, lifting his toddler into his arms.

"It's a mouse!" Harry said, pointing.

"It is, Harry," agreed James. "And it's also time for dinner. Let's go." 

Harry once again stuffed his face with everything that he could get his hands on--including an extra biscuit when Severus wasn't looking. 

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