5.The Nightmares Begin

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Y/n Pov:

*In the dream*

I was in the forest, fog was quite thick so i couldnt see much ,there were trees around me forming a sircle.I started walking intothe forest.The silence is so heavy that you can hear your blood thundering through your veins.I walked until i stoped near a river.I started staring across of it and it felt as if something or someone was staring back.It was a very uneasy feeling..but at the same time it was familliar..like i've felt it before...

Suddenly a bloodcurdling sound erupted from the other shore.I froze in my tracks. This sound was unlike any other that I've had heard and it fet like my hair turned grey from the fear that i was feeling. The only way I can describe it is it sounded like a wild person with no language skills being gutted alive. No words, just this high pitched bloodcurdling scream.I didint move or said a word...I was just there..suddenly a second scream was let loose with even more force than the first.

I turned back and started running away not wanting to meet the monster.I ran and ran,after few minutes it looked like the forest was never ending.As much as i was running the forest never ended.I stoped to catch my breath...i turn around and i see Devil like figure starting to slowly move towards me...

Sudenly i wake up trying to catch my breath.I sat up in bed.In front of me, in the open bedroom door, stood a shadowy figure. It stood there, motionless, silent.I continued staring. It remained standing in the open doorway. No features. It appeared to be human. Was it Dad? I couldn't speak. I was too scared. It couldn't be my father. Why would he just stand there?The fear welled up inside me, but I didn't move. I wanted to drift back and pull the covers over my head, but I was frozen in fear. Just then, the door began to close slowly. No hand was used. The figure didn't move. As the door was closing, the figure disappeared. I looked around the room. Nothing was there. I slowly laid down again, this time pulling the covers over my head in total fear.I fell asleep.

The next morning I told my dad.He laughed and said I was dreaming:

Dad:It was just a bad dream.

Y/n:but it felt so real,like i was really there.

Dad:*sight*thats what dreams are about you're the main character in the every story that your mind creates.

The days after this settled into a normal routine. I went about my days as any 17-year old would. That is until the night that truly frightened me to my core.

I went to bed as normal. I don't recall anything out of the ordinary, and I fell asleep. I remember waking up. I honestly can't remember why, but I wanted to get out of bed. Probably just to go to the bathroom. All I remember is that I wanted to get up. I don't even know what time it was, although the room was very dark.

I sat up, and as I swung my legs over the side of the bed, a dark shadow of a hand covered my mouth and pushed me back into the bed. I trembled with fear! I couldn't see anything at all in the room. But I saw the hand. I felt the hand...and then i felt nothing. I remember thinking that I'm NOT getting up anymore tonight! And I didn't. I laid awake the rest of the night, entirely in fear.


Another day, another chapter
Much longer than the other ones xd

First of all I really wanna say thank you that you guys are reading this story and going through the journey with Y/n :)

I wanna say huge thank you for 31 Reads  it really means a lot to me!
I have another chapter in drafts that I will starts writing soon  and if everything will be alright im going to post it

P.s:I think the story started to get more intresting and more stuff is starting to hapen for the MC (Main Character)

Word Count:716

I'll see you in a next chapter..



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