7. Nightmares become more terrifying

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Y/n pov.

Dreams,dreams,dreams...they tell something dont they.Shadows are going insane..and i think i am too and everything happend when the new kid came into our class.Those two days  out of three when my father was still not home i had some terrifying dreams.

The first day i dreamed that I was carrying around a large green gem. Every time I came to a choice, I'd look through the gem and it'd show me many outcomes and I'd pick which outcome I'd use.

Slowly, my choices became more and more morbid. At one point I was at a crosswalk and looked through the gem and saw myself hit by a car, or slip and break my neck. I decided to try and run away from it, and every choice from then on was death or painful death.

Eventually I ended up in a grey/pink area that I slowly realized was just every possibility of anything that could kill me, blurry and faded. I eventually found a gun and tried to shoot myself just to end the madness, but every time I pulled the trigger, I'd see my corpse fall in front of me, but I'd still be okay. After the third attempt, I freaked out over the three dead me's at my feet and gave up.

After a while, I remember just sitting down in a chair and slowly fading into the background of all possibilities.

The second day i day had a dream where I claw into my chest with my fingernails until I can rip my heart out. Once I have my heart in my hands, I eat it and feel it still pulsing as it slides down my throat. Then I cradle the hole in my chest until I wake up. The entire dream I'm always crying and screaming, but filled with the most savage desire to eat my heart. It's so strange, and I always wake up with scratches on my chest. It gives me the shivers just thinking about it!

Today's the last day...tomorrow my father will come back from the trip,i dont know if i should tell him about them...

*Time skip(its night and you're assleep)*


Suddenly im in the dream...

Im in my house... I walked into one of the rooms there was very little light. On a bed, a naked body and where its head was supposed to be there is a rather big, malformed lump of flesh. It moves all disorderly with each breath and I notice hairs growing from it vaguely resembling a hairline. At the top of this pile of tissue and bulbous features, viscous liquid coming out of an orifice: mouth and nose have their exits somewhere inside that hole. This person breathes through this, and at the same time salivates in this cavity. The smell of stale saliva, mucus, urine and feces is unbearable.

Which each breath, bubbles followed by a gurgling guttural noise almost hinting at the existence of vocal chords. I sit next to this body and somehow I know this is my father and that he is suffering greatly. All I can do is scream until I wake up...


I'm back with another chapter:)

It kind of came out as I wanted but its a little bit different.

I putted TW in the start so that some people would not feel uncomfortable by reading this chapter and they could skip it if they feel sensitive about that topic:)

This chapter is one of the longest ones and I definitely gave me more ideas for the future chapters.
Btw I really wanna say thank you for 48 reads(we are really close to 50! )it really means a lot to me :)

Word Count:642

That was it for today byeee~


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