Season 2 Episode 3

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The first thing she do in the morning was the handkerchief folded and wrapped carefully and then put into her bag. She will look for ways to somehow be close to him.  In his spare time at work, she browses social media and checks the social media accounts of the name Im Jung Hwan, but does not find any accounts other than business sites profile.

One day, after a week that passes just she looking for the ways of how to see him again, director gathers his employees to make an announcement after the work. The transfer to Wang Group has been completed and trainees will be hired for the R&D group.  For this, the director, who distributes the forms he has to the employees, continues to explain.

"The papers in your hand constitute the first step for you to enter the R&D group. You and your education also about why you want to be a part of the R&D group, this form contains this kind of questions. Those who do not want to join the R&D group are free to fill out.

But if you really have someone who wants to be in this research and development group, you have to work hard, because they just won't accept you just because you're working here.  Even if you are selected from these forms, you will have to enter an interview. "

By the time employees start talking among themselves, Ha Jin has already made up her mind.  She eagerly raises her hand and asks a question.

"Do you know where the R&D group will work, sir?"

"Of course, in the Wang Group."  Seeing this enthusiastic state of her, the director adds.  "But I said it is not easy to get there. You must have developed yourself on this issue. They can give you a couple of positions in the R&D group just because you have been working here for years, but it is not very likely."

But all these words cannot dampen the glow in Ha Jin's eyes.  When she goes home, she fills the form with great enthusiasm and desire, puts the pencil aside and smiles.  The opportunity she sought has come to her feet.  Didn't she work with organic makeup products in years while in Goryeo?  Moreover, she even made soaps and bb cream from them.  If they will not take her to the R&D group for this job, then who will they  take? Moreover, this R&D group will work closely with the management, as it will act in common decisions.  This means that Ha Jin is going to get closer to Wang So, or Jung Hwan.

She lifts the form up and smiles again.
"I said I'll find you this time."

On the day the form results are announced, the director calls Ha Jin and a few other people with her to his room.  These are the applicants for the R&D group.  But the manager says that only three people were selected to attend the interviews. And one of them is Ha Jin.  Confident that she will be chosen, Ha Jin solemnly thanks her director.  The director, who adds the place and time of the interview before they leave the room, speaks to give them a final piece of advice.

"Being chosen here does not mean that you will go through interviews either. They probably won't take you. So I believe they will let you have a hard time in the interviews. Good luck anyway."

"No matter how hard they try," Ha Jin thinks, "I'll definitely go in there."

On the day of the interview, the trio joins to the crowd in front of the Wang Group plaza in the early morning hours. And they gazing around in admiration.  When Ha jin looks up at the top of the plaza, she sees "Wang" written in large letters.  "So this is his current home." She thinks.
While the interviewers are taken to a separate waiting room, Ha Jin is surprised to see how many people have arrived.  While the people in waiting room chatting among themselves and causes the noise, the names that were called in turn started to get interviewed one by one.  Ha Jin, who will be interviewed in the twelfth place, feels excited.

After a while, when she hears her name, she gets up and follows the attendant who shows her the way and she comes to the door of the room where the place interview will take.  She takes a deep sigh, knocks the door, and walks in.  In the inside two commission member, one men and other women, stands up to greet her. Ha Jin takes a handshake with them and then sits down on the seat where they tell her to sit down.

The man says "Welcome, Miss Go"

"Thank you, sir"

"Can I ask for your CV?"  the woman says this time too

Ha Jin handing them her CV and then eagerly waits for them to examine her CV.

"I see you have been working in the makeup industry for a long time, and you even have professional certificates."  The woman continues "You also mentioned in the form you filled out that your reason for joining the R&D group is your passion for this job. Could you explain this a little bit?"

"Working in this industry is one of the only things that make me happy. The lives I touch with a make-up, the happy faces of those people reminds me that I am a useful person. In my opinion, make-up is not just a makeup.
You can completely change someone's life with make-up ..." When she says this, she remembers the day she puts makeup on and hides his wound to help Wang So, then her eyes fills with tears.
"Or you can help a person who wants to be remembered beautifully ..." This time, the last make-up she made to her sick sister in Goryeo passes on her mind.  She pauses before continuing any further because she feels she is going to cry.

The woman who listened to her in silence, speaks when she sees that she feels sensual.
"I think you are quite experienced in this regard, even if your age does not show. I have to admit that I love your passion. This is the vision of our R&D group. But let me ask you this, what sets you apart from other people who come here? Why are we should include you to this group? "

Ha Jin answers after some thought.
"Because I was born for this job. I was doing this job even in my past life."

This answer causes the commission members to laugh.  Ha jin laughs with them too.  She said this as a joke, but they don't need to know that there is a reality behind this joke.

Leaving the room when her interview is over, Ha Jin wants to take a walk around before leaving the company.  After all, people come to such a big company like this once in a lifetime.  The hum of the people and employees gets even more louder when she arrive in the large lobby of the company.

Ha Jin is headed up the stairs to the upper floor and is stopped by the security.

"Miss, you can't go up if you don't work here."

"I was looking for the toilet but couldn't find it ..." she lies.

"The toilets are ahead on the right, lady."


Thanking to the security guard with a smile, Ha Jin is forced to change her path and head to the side of the toilets.  When she enters the corridor of toilets, she passes by a fire escape.  Above the door is a sign that says "Staff Only".  Ha Jin opens the door without hesitation and enters.  She thinks that since the fire escapes are on every floor, she can go all the way upstairs and maybe even see Jung Hwan's room.

She stops at one of the floor because she is tired, even if she knows that the higher she climbs, the greater her chance of meeting someone from the administration.  When she opens the door and steps on the floor, she is relieved to see that there is almost no one around.  Unlike the entrance floor, the corridors here are covered with carpet.  So she thinks this is where high-ranking people work.  She starts walking by looking around.  The two employees passing by, were looking at her with strange looks.  Ha Jin takes a little further and stops in front of a name sign.  But it doesn't have Im Jung Hwan written on it.  She keeps walking, but when she notices the annoyed glances of the employees, she embarrassedly heads towards the descending stairs.  While walking down the stairs, people rush past her.  After descending a few more floors, it almost reached the ground floor.  But suddenly she hears a voice behind her.  "Sorry, please go away the way!"

Before Hajin realizes what happened, the employee hits Ha Jin when he is passing by her and Ha Jin loses her balance.  Even if she lifts her arms in order not to fall down the stairs in the front, she realizes that it is useless and she will fall.

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