Season 2 Episode 4

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The moment she thinks she is going to fall, she closes her eyes, but when she realizes that she is not falling, she opens her eyes again.  Someone grabbed her behind her back and prevented her from falling.  Turns her head, she sees Jung Hwan standing behind her and the secretary beside him.  Her eyes widen and she holds her breath.

"Are you okay?" says Jung Hwan kindly

"Ah, well yes, I ..."

The person behind Jung Hwan who she thought could be the secretary begins to speak.
"I guess you don't work here. You don't have a staff card."

Cold sweat began to pour from Ha Jin's back, who was panicking thoroughly.

"Well I'm for the interview ..."

Jung Hwan raises his arm and looks at his watch.

"I think the interview time is already over."

Thinking what to do in front of eyes waiting for an answer from her about why she's here, Ha Jin finally opens her bag and takes the handkerchief out of it.

"I wanted to… give this back to you."

Takes out the handkerchief and handing it to him. Ha Jin continues when she sees that he is staring at the handkerchief.

"Don't worry, it has been washed and ironed. To thank you when I heard you were working here ... so ..."

Listens attentively to her, Jung Hwan's face finally relaxes and smiles.

"Oh, okay I just remembered. You are the girl in that exhibition. You don't need to thank you. Also, I gave you the handkerchief as a gift. Now you won't have to give it back."

Ha Jin can't answer while looking at the man she loves, whose smiling face she sees again.  Jung Hwan continues talking.

"Coincidentally, you came to the interview for my investment. I accept your sincere thanks, but my handkerchief is still yours."

Then the secretary behind intervenes again.
"With your permission"

Ha Jin watches Jung Hwan as they pass by her.  After he leaves, she blinks and contemplate the moment she just lived.  Jung Hwan saved her from falling at the last minute.  This reminds her of something.

"Deja Vu .." she mutters to herself.

She puts the handkerchief back in her bag and reaches the Lobby.  She's glad the handkerchief stays her. She passes through the outlet of the plaza and draws in fresh air in to her lungs.

After half a month of waiting, the interview results started to be announced, but Ha Jin has not received mail yet.  When she puts makeup on one of the customers in the store, she is startled by the sound of her phone.  After she finished her makeup, she looks at her phone but its not the mail that she are waiting instead her friend Seohyun texted her.

"When are we going to have dinner? :("

Ha Jin sighs.

"Let's eat tomorrow, okay?"

"I miss you so much. Let's have a lot of fun. ^ _ <"

Putting the phone back in her pocket, Ha Jin returns to take care of the customers, but stops with the beep and looks at her phone again.  This time, an e-mail came from Wang Group. She enthusiastically opens the mail and starts reading.

"Dear Ms. Go,

We would be delighted to have you with us in this project where we are looking for innovative and passionate colleagues.  Please contact us as soon as possible.

Wang Group "

Reading the mail, Ha Jin screams with happiness and starts jumping.  Her colleagues who hears her voice, come to her and congratulate her one by one when they learn the news.  Ha Jin runs to the store director.  She knocks his door and walks in.

"My director, I have been accepted. I have been accepted to the R&D group."  says with her excited voice

Unable to hide his amazement at what he heard, the director stands up and asks her to show the mail.  It is indeed true.  Ha Jin has been accepted into the Wang Group.

"Congratulations, I think you made it because you are a really hard-working person."

"Ayy, haven't you ever trusted me?"  Ha Jin jokes to her director.

"Ha Jin, now that you will start working there, collect your belongings and say goodbye to your friends. Do not embarrass us there. After all, you are entitled to join this store. And dont forget to visit us here if you can"

Seeing that her director began to sequence the advice one after the other, Ha Jin bowed and gratefully thanked.

When she communicats with the Wang Group, they tell her that she will undergo a month-long training and other procedures.  She should be in Wang Plaza early in the morning the next day.

After saying goodbye to everyone one by one and taking a few pieces of her belongings, Ha Jin steps towards her new life.

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