Season 2 Episode 6

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The first project presentation will be in two months, and Ha Jin still has time. So she decides to give up the idea of ​​soap and try something more effective. She first opens her idea to the R&D chief and receives positive responses. Later, with the support of her colleagues, she works hard to realize her project and continues to experiment at home. Every day they manage to produce a satisfying product as a result of their consultations with working together with the group. And since the idea belongs to Ha Jin, they decide to give the presentation to her as well.

On the day of the project presentation, Ha Jin, dressed more carefully than ever, enters the plaza with a presentation bag. Passing through the turnstiles, she gets on the elevator and goes directly to the meeting room. Nobody has come as there is no meeting time yet. That's why she leaves her bag on stand and begins to prepare for the presentation. After a few minutes, members of the R&D group come to her side. They complete their preparations together and the management team comes to the meeting room at the exact time it is planned.

Jung Hwan and his secretary are among them. The two pass and sit at the head corner of the meeting table. Those in the R&D group take their place at the table. Now Ha Jin is standing right in front of Jung Hwan and in front of the presentation screen, so those at the meeting table can see her comfortably.

"Welcome all of you. I am Go Ha Jin, a member of the R&D group of the make-up industry that Wang Group has recently invested in. Today I would like to tell you about a very important project we have been working on for two months."

Changes the presentation page with the small remote in her hand.

"Our goal was to be able to approach the make-up industry innovatively and to produce natural ingredients. Therefore, we aim to offer them the naturalness that people seek in the make-up industry. For this purpose, let me introduce you to the first product we have developed on the road we set off."

She changes the page again. But there is no picture of the product on the screen. There is only one big question mark.

"I know you're wondering, but before that, let me give you a little background information." continues Ha Jin

"The Goryeo period, which is one of the historical periods of our country, had the most advanced possibilities of the time. This was also true for make-up products. So much so that they even had products very similar to BB Cream."

Having said that, she looks back at Jung Hwan. He was listening to her with interest.

"It is also among the legends that one of the princes was hiding a wound in his face with this cream."

Then she presses the control again to change the page and the question mark disappears and an image of a BB Cream appears in its place.

"This is exactly what our project was inspired by. 99% organic BB Cream. The ingredients and the process of making it are available in the files in front of you."

She then nods to her friend who is sitting close to her on the table. The group mate who gets the sign gets up and places the small porcelain boxes one by one in front of the people who sitting at the table. Ha Jin continues.

"What you have seen in front of you is a sample. It is a completely organic BB Cream. Please try it and experience that it is no different from other standard production BB creams."

When those at the table pick up and examine their boxes with interest, Ha Jin too watches with interest to Jung Hwan.
Jung Hwan opens the porcelain box, takes some of the cream with the plastic stick that comes out, rubs it on the upper part of his hand and begins to examine. Everyone else at the table has begun to examine similarly. Only one woman showed the courage to put it on her face and took her mirror out of her bag and checked it. Ha Jin relaxes as positive reactions rise from the table.

"To be able to produce such a product in such a short time ... it really takes a lot of hard work and research."

"Indeed, it is. Your investment, Mr. Jung Hwan, seems to be worthwhile indeed."

Jung Hwan nods his head, admiring Ha Jin even before hearing all these words. He is satisfied. For a moment, their eyes are clamped together. Ha Jin feels her heart pulling towards him.

"You can go on, Ms. Go." says the secretary

"Ah, yes sure..." Ha Jin continues her presentation.

The project receives positive reactions after one and a half hour presentation is over. The meeting ends by being told to create a plan for mass production and present it again as a project. The product has been accepted. Ha Jin feels both very happy and very tired. She's been sleeping only four or five hours a day for two months, and she feels dizzy when leaving the meeting room due to the weakness of not eating properly. It is Jung Hwan, again, who grabs her by the arm and helps her regain balance.

"Are you okay, Ms. Ha Jin?"

"Yes, I'm fine thank you. I'm just a little tired."

Jung Hwan tells his secretary to continue.

"You seem to have lost a few kilos since you joined the project group. It is obvious that you are working very hard, but you should also consider your health."

"No, I always eat my food."

"Oh, is that so? Like, did you have your meal this morning?"

Ha Jin is silent because she hasn't eaten.

"See, look. You don't pay any attention to yourself. I still need employees like you." Jung Hwan laughs. "If you haven't eaten at this lunch, can I ask you to accompany me?"

Ha Jin's mouth stays open because her heart beats with the offer she hears.

"Eat together?"

"Of course. I want to feed your stomach in return for your hard work. You also said that you could tell me a lot of interesting information about Goryeo. I would like to hear them."

Ha Jin smiles and nods as she struggles not to hug him.

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