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"I can't stand by and watch another child suffer. I have to save them—because every life matters, and this one might be the key to hope." – Y/N

You and K stood frozen for a heartbeat, the echo of the child's cry still hanging in the air. The urgency in her voice cut through the chaos of the apocalypse, pulling both of you into action.

As you sprinted towards the sound, your heart pounded with a mix of dread and determination. The streets were a grim reminder of the world that had been lost—once vibrant and alive, now a decayed shell of its former self.

The once-familiar sights now seemed haunted by shadows and danger.

The toy store came into view, and the scene inside froze you in place. A little girl, no older than five, stood at the edge of a horde of zombies, her baby pink shoes barely touching the ground as she skidded to a halt. The zombies, a grotesque assembly of rotting flesh and twisted limbs, turned their vacant eyes toward her with an almost hungry curiosity.

"Help me! Help me! Please!" The girl's scream pierced through the thick, stifling air of the apocalyptic city, her small frame shaking with terror.

Your eyes met K's, the unspoken resolve between you evident in the shared glance. Without a moment’s hesitation, you dashed forward, adrenaline surging through your veins. Every second felt like a lifetime as you fought to keep the child safe.

The weight of your duty was immense, but you had learned the hard lessons of loss and survival.

You skidded to a stop in front of the girl, her terrified eyes locking onto yours. The urgency was clear: you had to act quickly to save her from the encroaching zombies. The sight of their rotting faces and the low growls resonating from their throats fueled your determination.

K, already in action, took position to fend off the zombies closing in on him. His shotgun roared, each blast a lifeline for you and the child. You grabbed the girl, pulling her close, her small hands clutching at your jacket as you whispered soothing words in her ear.

"When I say close your eyes, you do it. Understand?"

She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as you maneuvered to protect her. The sound of your revolver firing was a grim symphony of survival. Each shot was a desperate attempt to keep the zombies at bay, your aim guided by the hope that you would reach safety for the girl before the monsters did.

The chaos intensified. The zombies seemed almost to multiply, their guttural growls mixing with the girl’s frightened sobs. A particularly menacing creature lunged at you, its rotting hands reaching for the girl. You fired at it, but the shot didn't land where it needed to.

The zombie fell on top of you, its foul breath and gnashing teeth a nightmarish assault.

Just as you felt despair closing in, a blast rang out, and the zombie was thrown off you. K’s voice cut through the haze, "Grab her and I'll protect the two of you!"

You scrambled to your feet, eyes scanning the area for the litte girl who rolled away a few seconds ago from your hold. The sight of her, now huddled on the floor, made your heart race. You reached her just in time, lifting her into your arms.

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