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"Is the real enemy the zombies, or is it the people in power, the ones who make the rules and pull the strings? Sometimes, I wonder if the real monsters are the ones we were supposed to trust." — Daniel

The end was coming, and everyone in the Force knew it. The soldiers' boots pounded relentlessly as they kicked and shoved the wounded survivors into lines. The pain from the explosions was still fresh, every movement sending sharp stabs through their battered bodies as they were dragged toward the military aircraft.

Those who tried to flee were met with merciless gunfire, their screams echoing through the chaos. Heeseung closed his eyes, trying to block out the sight of his comrades falling, their lives cut short in an instant. Every fallen body felt like a knife twisting in his gut. Jay and Jake, at the front of the line, exchanged grim looks, their faces pale with dread.

K, meanwhile, remained eerily silent, his eyes locked onto the soldiers carrying Y/N's unconscious form. Every moment they took her further away was a blow to his heart. His gaze followed her as she disappeared into the second plane, a chilling void filling the space where she had been.

A voice interrupted his brooding. "Long time no see, Patient Z."

K’s blood ran cold as he turned to see the Chancellor, Kim Namjoon, standing before him. The man’s eyes gleamed with a disturbing mix of joy and madness as he watched the scene unfold with a sick fascination.

“You thought you could run from us forever?” Namjoon mocked, his voice dripping with derision. He approached K, his fingers closing around K’s neck, squeezing just hard enough to make him gasp for air. “We’ve been hunting you for months. Did you really think we’d let you go?”

Before Namjoon could tighten his grip, a small voice squeaked from the black van. K’s heart skipped a beat as he saw Jungwon and Hara in the driver’s seats.

"Get her out of here! Now!” K shouted, desperate to save Aecha, the innocent child caught in the crossfire.

Jungwon slammed his foot on the gas, the van screeching into reverse. Hara ducked under the shattered mirror as gunfire shattered the air around them. The van roared out of the gates, with Aecha hiding under the seats, her face pale with terror.

Namjoon’s gaze followed the van’s escape with dark satisfaction before turning back to K. His expression twisted into a sinister grin. “Did you know how important that little girl is to me? Do you know the lengths I’ve gone to for her? She’s the key to everything we’re doing.”

K’s blood boiled as he faced Namjoon’s venomous glare. “If anything happens to her, I swear I’ll make sure every test you run on me is the last thing you do.”

Namjoon’s face darkened. He spat in K’s face before driving his fist into K’s stomach, sending him to the ground in pain. With a brutal, final swing, he smashed the butt of his rifle into K’s face, blood splattering across the dirt.

Heeseung, Jay, and Jake tried to intervene, but the soldiers held them back, guns trained on their heads. The soldiers dragged them inside the plane, each step a reminder of their powerlessness.

As Namjoon continued his relentless assault on K, a helicopter descended beside the aircrafts, landing with a thunderous roar. A woman in a pristine lab coat emerged, her face a mask of cold authority. She slapped Namjoon hard, her expression a mix of anger and disappointment.

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