Havin fun

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No Recap

Y/N Pov

Y:omg mike it's me y/n!ur tiktok friend
M:omg y/n u look so much different in person
Y:omg so do u what are u doing here?
M:u know shopping and stuff
Y:no ur not what are u doing here*i giggled
M:okay fine i saw u were at the mall on ur page and i wanted to come and see u in person
i looked at him and laughed he smiled
M:it's not funny stop it
Y:okay okay but why didn't u just dm in me on tiktok we could've just meeted
M:i know but i couldn't wait!
we kept talking


after i was done doing my bussiness i washed my hands and came out the bathroom to y/n talking to mike the famous tiktoker i started getting a little mad and jeleous but i stayed calm and walked over to them
i wrapped my arms around y/n waist and softly kissed her neck
she giggled so cutely and i smiled
K:oh sorry i didn't see u there(MAN THAT'S CAP U DID IT ON PURPOSE)
M:no no it's fine man
K:hey aren't u that famous tiktoker umm mike slimedupmike i think that's it i can't do it off the top of my head
M:yea yea something like but hey y/n u wanna hang out on sunday
Y:yea i would love that bye mike
M:bye y/n
y/n was giggling while waving bye to mike

Y:hehe that was fun
K:how do u know mike the famous tiktoker y/n?
Y:no need to get jeleous or mad we are tiktok best friends before me and u were even annoyced to be siblings me and mike were friends
K:friends?just friends yea okay
he rolled his eyes
Y:do u not believe me Kobe
K:i-i do it's just u guys are so friendly to each other it would seem like ya'll was dating
Y:im friendly to all people i was friendly to u
K:and now look we are more then step siblings
Y:u know what forget it kobe im going home tell everybody i went home!
K:whatever go fuck mike and tell everybody were u guys had sex at and how was it!!!
i looked at him and slapped him
i gasped and covered my mouth i didn't mean to slap him i got angry and wanted him to shut up
Y:k-kobe i-i I-im so sorry i just lost my temper and and im sorry
K:it's fine im going home u can ride with them......
he then walked off and called an uber tears formed in my eyes cause i knew i messed up i knew what i did was wrong but he shouldn't of said that to me it was wrong


A few hours later they dropped me off and i got my bags and opened the door i saw kobe talking to some girl my heart instally broke into pieces i just stood there looking at them laughing and giggling and being touchy

K:hey! are just going to stand there it's hot outside and ur letting all the cold air out the house y/n
i snapped back into reality as a tear fell
Y:y-yea sorry

i grabbed my bags and shut the door and ran upstairs and slammed my door and i put everything on the ground and took of my outfit and laid in my bed with just my bra and underwear on crying soon after that i cried myself to sleep but just a about an hour or two i wake up it was like 8 or 9 at night and i heard moaning coming from kobes room
when i heard it i didn't want to think what was going on in there

I got up and went downstairs still in my bra and underwear and went in the fridge and grabbed some wine i got a 2 glasses and ran back up stairs as i was running i fell and dropped a glass luckliy my dad and step mom weren't home they said they had a job to do nj so they wouldn't be back in a couple of weeks but anyway
the moaning stoped and i cut myself on my hand it was bad it wouldn't stop bleeding kobes door opened revealing him and the girl with hickies and stuff on both of them my hurt shattered into a million peieces

K:Omg y/n are u okay
he reached to help me up but i moved away
Y:im fine u can go back now kobe
K:no ur not there is blood everywhere
y:kobe i said im fine now leave
k:Y/n let me help u!

i got up and grabbed the other cup that wasn't broken and the wine bottle and put it in my room, kobe told the girl to go home and she did
i cleaned up everything and fixed my hand and wrapped it in a bandage i was just about to close my room door when kobe put his foot on the bottom to stop me from closing it

Y:what kobe im trying to sleep
K:why did u have 2 glasses and some wine?
Y:uh because i was going to rink it obvi

i tried to shut it again but this time he opened my door and it hit the wall hard i flinched a little

K:his mike coming or is he in here
Y:what no he is not here or is coming remeber im hanging out with im om sunday now can u plz leave kobe no one told u to kick ur gf out the house'
i looked down when i sad it as tears formed in my eyes and dropped

K:look that is not my gf
Y:what is she then a hook up like i was u got tired of me already and just decide to leave me and go fuck some slut huh kobe!!
K:she was a friend of mine and i got caught up in the moment but u are not a hook up i actually love u y/n

i looked at him and pushed him out of my room


i then slammed my door and started crying i guess kobe could hear it cause he kept saying"IM SORRY Y/N IT MEANT NOTHING PLS DON'T CRY IM SORRY"
i cried a litle more and got up and locked my door and drank some wine and went into a box i had ontop of my shelfs and grabbed my vape and just started listening to music ,vaping,and drinking but then i took one last puff of the vape and everything went....................



Hey ya'll this is crazy don't worry i will post another part in about either a few or couple of hours



okay ya'll im gettin tired so im going to go to sleep bye guys

1202 words dangggggggggggggggg okay i see u

step bro part 1Where stories live. Discover now