part 7

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i woke up a little and squeezed kobes hand then he told this figure i couldn't really see cause i was trying to open them but they kept shutting then i sqeezed again but it was the figures hand i tried to keep my eyes open but next thing i know i was having a seziure but after that i think i stopped then was just almost lifeless

i closed my eyes again and i saw a white  btright light then i saw my dead little brother my little brother had died from getting hit by a car he was only 6 so then i was the only child and i didn't like it but anyway


yb:come on y/n it's time to go home
Yb:come on give me ur hand we could go home together
Y:whats that bright light and where is home? home is with dad and my friends jason
Yb:the bright light is ur gate way to heaven
my eyes went big
Y:i-im sorry i can't i love u jason

I then woke up gasping for air i seen nurses all around me

Nurse:hey hey breath
i started taking deep breaths and i finally started breathing normal
i smiled at the fact i seen my little brother happy he wanted to take me with him but i couldn't leave kobe and my family and friends

nurse:hey do u want me to get ur friends?
Y:yes plz

she went out of the room and came back with them i smiled and only saw my step mom,dad.and kobe but when i saw kobe i kinda wanted him to leave for what he had did to me but i just let it go


he ran over to me and hugged me and ofc i hugged back i smiled and kissed his forhead and he smiled
YD:im supposed to do that
Y:well to bad
i smiles and kobes mom came to me and hugged me


KM:im sorry we werent there
Y:no no it's fine im fine u guys should go u have bussines right?
KM:yea we do but are u want us to leave
Y:yes now go

she smiled and kissed my head i smiled and they left my smile inmently went away as i looked at kobe

K:y-y/n im so sorry i was jealous that you were going to hang out with mike and idk i thought when u did hang out with him u were going to fuck him so i-
Y:no kobe i forgive u it's just can u tell the future did u know i was going to fuck him huh?
k:no i just let my mind get the best of me i was jumping to conclusion when i shoud've just waited and seen what happen
Y:it's ok kobe just don't do it again understand
K:i promise y/n

i smiled and he came to me and kissed me

K:yk u scared me right?
Y:im sorry
K:but y/n will u be my gf
Y:yes i will but remember our parents are still dating
K:ik we will keep it a secert
i smiled and kissed him one more time then he climed in the bed with me and we cuddled then fell asleep


hey peeps sorry it is so short i will make it longer tomorrow and thank u for 80READS!! im so thankful for ya'll im glad ya'll like my stories!

Also i will try to update more often

But i love ya'll bye BITCHS

607 words eh i have done better

step bro part 1Where stories live. Discover now