Part 6 (i think)

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No recap


As soon as i heard him say she was in a coma a tear dropped i just standed there shocked how could she be in a coma from just a cut was it because she lost to much blood

Doc:don't worry it's not that bad she lost alot of blood so it would seem it caused her from fainting then when u got here she was still loosing blood so that's what caused the coma if she came later it would been worst

i just stared at the ground while tears kept falling i lifted my head up after a min or two and saw jordan and nova crying

J:h-how l-long will she be in a coma for?
Doc:w-we don't know she coould be in a coma for days,weeks,months,years we don't know she could wake up tomorrow
Doc:im sorry ma'm if i knew i would've told u

jordan started crying harder then what she already was me and nova kept hugging her and cheering her up

K:hey it's going to be okay she a very strong girl she will wake up soon
jordan nodded and wiped her tears
J:y-your right she is strong and she got this
K:can we see her doc?
Doc:yea ofc u can follow me

me,nova,and jordan got up and followed the doctor and when we went in there it broke my heart she was connected to all these tubes and blood was in one of then were they giving her more blood for the blood she had lost?

I sat in the chair next to her bed and held her hand while nova and jordan went on the other side i kissed her forhead and started talking to her

K:hey y/n idk if u could hear me or not but im so sorry for what i did it didn't mean anything i was just jealous of u talking to mike and saying u were going to hang out with him so i did that but it didn't feel the same i love u and i am so sorry for what i did i hope when u wake up u have the heart to forgive me for my mistakes and i hope we could go back to being happy and cuddling and watching movies but i love u so much wake up soon mamas

After jordan and nova said what they had to say i fell asleep in the chair while holding her hand a few hours past by and i woke up to my mom and y/n dad standing on the other side talking to her i looked at them and they looked at me


yd-what happened to her kobe we left for a day and my daughter is in the hostipal
K:ik ik it seems bad but she will be okay she is strong and will do anything to fight back trust me i know for the past few days me and my mom were staying here she can put up one hell of a fight
MM:ay lauguage
K:sorry mom
YD:yes i know this but what happened

i had to think cause if i told them about me and y/n me and mom would have to go back to our house

K:so basically i was in my room with a friend and she was getting something to drinka and then i heard a thud and she broke a glass and it cut her hand or arm bad so it was bleeding alot she said she got it herself so i said okay then i went to go check on her after a few hours and then i heard another thud and i opened her door and she was just loosing blood
YD:she is one clumsy kid trust me ik she gets it from her mom

i chuckled at his comment then for some reason i felt y/n squeeze my hand i started freaking out

K:she just squeezed my hand!!

her dad looked at me and ran to my side and replaced my hand for his hand and then she squeezed his hand i yelled for the doctor it was 2 or 3 in the morning i begged the doctor to let us stay and that's why we are here this late but anyway he came running inside the room and i told him what happened

Doc:omg look she is opening her eyes
i looked over and she was trying to open her eyes they kept shutting but opening again but then all of a sudden the monitior was going off and she was having a seziure

i said that cause the doctor was just standed there until i had said something he then ran to the monitor and then was checking it some nurses pushed us out and we had to go back to the waiting room all we could see was nurses rushing in her room ngl it kinda made me worried
kobes thoughts,-was she dying,was she trying to wake up,was she battling something like life or death-
i was pasting back and forth fast

YD:kobe sit down ur moving around to much
K:im sorry

i sat down then after i sat down i just fell asleep


hey peeps thank yall for 61 or 67 reads!!!! that's amazing thank u so much im so grateful for ya'll also i want to do a smut book but which one should i make

derek,vallyk,mattia,kobe,alejondro(im sorry i forgot how to spell his name),kairi,roshaun,mike

so comment and tell which ones cause i don't know which one i should do!

But anyways love ya'll


1005 words dangggggggg (who am i kidding that's so little i wrote more then that im so disapointed lmfaoo)

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