part 8

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the next day i woke up to kobe gone i was so nervous i thought he left and went to hang out with that girl again until i heard the door open i picked up my head and saw kobe with flowers and some of my clothes

i smiled so hard and i kinda felt bad because i thought he was cheating but he wasnt

k:good  morning baby i grabbed some clothes for u and ur favorite flowers
Y:thank u so much

he walked to me and kissed me and obvisously i kissed him back

K:the doctor said u can leave in a hour or two
k:they just have to check u out one more time then u can go ok now go change

U got up and went to the bathroom and changed into some black sweats and a crop top hoodie with some slides
U walked out with ur hospital grown in ur hands and made the bed and put the grown on top of the bed u walked over to Kobe which he was laying in the chair on his phone smiling
U sit on his lap and look at him

Y:what are u smiling at so hard
He put his phone in his pocket
U kissed him and u guys sat there making out
When u got to his neck u opened ur eyes noticing some freshly new hickeys

Y:Kobe what are those
K:what oh these from u
Y:Kobe no their not we didn't do anything
K:fine ok look I felt bad for what I did so I went back to the girl to tell her it was over and I didn't want to see her again but instead of her taking it lightly she drugged me and started kissing my neck and other stuff

U get off his lap looking at him in shock and whatever other emotion u we're feeling

Y:why didn't u tell me u just hid it instead of telling me why would u do tht
K:I was scared u we're gonna think I was cheating because u probably would've thought tht
Y:if u told me the truth like how u did rn then I wouldn't have thought that I don't know either it's just u lied and hid it
K:look im sorry ok I'll stop lying and tell u everything

He stood coming to me and putting his hands around my waist and I put my arms around his neck
kissed him
That's when the nurse came in telling u are  being released u were so happy because u didn't have to be in there no more u could go in ur room watching tv with actual Netflix and Hulu and Disney plus
U grabbed any clothes that or anything that u had over the day or two and Kobe grabbed the flowers u guys walked out and went to Kobe's car putting everything in the back and seating in the passenger seat
Y:babe I'm sorry
K:for what " he said as he started starting the car and driving out of the parking lot
Y:I'm sorry for thinking u were cheating again I mean I am very protective and have been used in the past and stuff u know ballo so I was just scared the same thing was going to happen and I didn't want it to because I didn't want to loose u

I started tearing up feeling bad and mad at urself for thinking all these things
K:hey it's ok I'm just glad u believed me ok if u didn't and we weren't together right now I wouldn't know what to do I love u ok and I don't want to loose u either I'm sorry abt the whole situation I was just being petty in the moment
Y:it's ok and I love u babe
U kisses him and he was just looking at u
Y:love eyes on the road I don't wanna go back to the hospital "u said giggling
K:oh shit my fault "he said chuckling
He put his hand on ur thigh and started rubbing his thumb on ur thigh
K:are u hungry princess
Y:yea can we get some McDonald's plsssss
K:fine ok we will
He started chuckling and driving to McDonald's
He got up there and u went over his lap and started saying what u wanted

Y:can I have aaaa 5pm ice nugget and a small sprite pls
The worker:yes do u want some fries
Y:oh yea can I get a medium frie pls
The worker:yea is that all?
Y:babe what do u want
U didn't get a response so u looked at him and he was just staring at ur ass and biting his lip
K:huh oh my fault a number one pls the drink a coke and a large
Y:oky can I get a number 1 large for the drink a coke
The worker:oh yea do u want any sauces for the nuggets
Y:oh yes pls sweet and sour
The worker:ok $11.96 at the first window
Y:thank u!
U got back in the car and looked at Kobe then looked down as he had a boner
U giggled
Y:ur friend is happy
Kobe looked down and said shit he covered his little friend with his Jacket
He drove to the next window and the worker just asked for the card so u gave him the card and he gave u it back then u guys got ur food u guys drove and he started driving but not home

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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