step bro part 5

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i heard her crying by the door i knew i messed up bad i was just jealous and i should've have gone and fucked my friend it was wrong for me to do it's been a few hours and y/n has been quiet so i went to her room door and tried to open it but it was locked then i heard a thump in y/n's room i startd panicking thinking of the worst i wa trying so hard to open the door i just gave up and kicked the door down

i looked around the room and saw y/n on the ground with her hand bleeding out the bandage and wine on her dresser and a vape next to her i ran to her and started shaking her a little bit


i was on the verge of crying i ran to my room put on some clothes and grabbed one of my oversized hoodies and put it on her and picked her up in bridal style and ran down the stairs the i ran to y/n's car and put her in the passenger seat and went to the drivers seat and started driving fast to the hostipal i kept looking at her chest it was moving but then it started slowling down we got to the hostipal and i picked her up again and ran inside

a whole bunch of nurses and doctors came out of now where and grabbed her from me and out her on the bed and they started runing while pushig her i tried to follow but they told me to stay back and wait in the waiting room

nurse:im sorry but u can't u have to wait

she left and went in the room y/n was in i was panicking and pasting back and forth i grabbed my phone and called y/n's dad and my mom and they said they were on there way on a plane then i called y/n's friends  and they said they were on there way i sat in the chair trying to clam down i was also thinking she had a vape and wine could that have caused her to pass out but then she was also bleeding alot from her hand it was so much blood on her ground

i heard someone calling my name and i looked and saw nova,vallyk,derek,and jordan running towards me i standed up and wiped my tears quickly

N:Omg kobe what happened to her
K:all i know is that a few hours ago u dropped y/n off and i was hanging with one of my friends which was a girl and after that i got caught up in the moment and me and her started having sex i guess y/n heard it cause i few mins after i heard a thump and i ran out my room with some boxers on and saw her on the ground with a really bad cut on her hand from the glass she dropped it was bleeding alot i tried to help her but she wouldn't let me cause she saw all the hickies i had on me and she told me to leave alone then she wrapped a bandage around then a hour or later i was going to say sorry but when i was approching her door i heard a thump and kicked the door down and that's how we are here

J:no what else did u see when u kicked down her door
K:i looked around and saw wine on her dresser and a vape laying next to her and her hand was bleeding alot
J:oh ok is she going to be okay?
K:idk as soon as i got here after they took her in i called u guys
V:hey u ok bro

he asked that cause i started crying again

K:i-i messed up bro i shouldn't have had sex with that other girl
J:yea ur right u should'nt have kobe
n:Jordan calm down
J:hell no fuck calm

i looked at her with tears cause i know i fucked up and i am mad at my self

N:jordan come on
J:no this bitch cheated on y/n!! knowing that ballo cheated on her!!
K:i forgot about that i-im sorry
J:no fuck ur sorry my best friend is in the hostipal!!!*she said while crying
jordan than broke down crying
N:hey it's okay she is getting through this
J:a-and what of she lost too much blood what are we going to do then nova tell me that!! Y/n has been there for me and for how long
N:since we were in 1st grade
J:excatly when she was going through stuff like her mom and dad getting a divorced she bottled up everything so we couldn't be there for her! she always acts happy!

after a hour or two we were all sleep in the chairs except vallyk and derek they had to leave cause there parents called them to come home
another hour goes and the doctor wakes us up

K:oh yes how is she!
we all looked at him waiting for a answer
Doc:she's okay but.......she....    

is in a coma......


hey peeps how ya'll like this this was very sad and stuff for me and i had to write it but let me know how ya'll think

i will start pat 6 tonight but i will finish and post it tomorrow!!

Love u BITCHES!!!!!

966 damn not as much but eh it's okay hehe

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