Chapter 1: "The Soldier Comes Home"

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It all ended with a flash. A sudden coalition of energy in a violent outburst. The most advanced civilization the world has ever known, being washed away from the mistake like any that propose war. The machines that once brought peace and development were implemented for the complete opposite. The fishes made of metal and energy, were flying above the sky, furrowing in a last desperate attempt of protecting what they had set to destruction.

The soldiers escaped from the violent outburst that enraged the oceans, leaving them powerless against the might of Poseidon.

Atlantean (1): "You fool! You've destroyed us all!" The warrior dressed with gold and white, overwhelmed by the elevation of the waters and their certain doom, blamed his compatriot. Although, it was too late to point fingers, a reality that was well aware in his mind. "The wave is gaining! We have to warn Atlantis!"

The monstrous wave evolved each second and each meter through it's advance. Swallowing the ships and all the lives of the Atlanteans on them. While the remaining ones prayed for them to make it in time, to save themselves, but above all, save their kingdom. There seemed to be nothing but hopelessness, while they were going through this bitter drink in their history.

The battalion maneuvers through the terrain, the mountains, the rivers, and the buildings of their city. Reaching multiple soldiers their destiny, but now they have reach it, the question was left in the air. "Will they make it?"

The nucleus of the power that feeded this empire, ignated it's light in beams of red. The Atlanteans were doing the best they could with what little time they had left, making the alarms sound, telling the citizens to put themselves out of danger the best they could.

Atlantean (2): "Everyone to the shelters! Everyone to the shelters!" He rapidly communicated the emergency to all the public. Preoccupied after witnessing the rising wall of water that inch closer and closer.

The skies were influenced by the rage of the sea, as there were nothing but clouds that only made the day turn to bitter darkness, with the only light visible being the violent formations of thunder and lightning.

People screamed, running for their lives, pushing and making their way to safety by any means necessary. The only ones working on their scenery during this call of distress, were the royal guards that tried to guide the royal family out of danger.

Atlantean (Royal Guard): "This way your highness. Quickly!"

The Queen: "Kida, come on!" The empress reached for her daughter, while the King opened the way for them. While the little princess, filled with the innocence of a child, tried to reach for the toy that fell from her tiny hands. Fighting the grip of her mother in a desperate attempt to recuperate it. "Kida, just leave it! There's no time!"

As she stopped to talk to her daughter, the Queen was reached by one of the beams of light from the nucleus of the city. As her eyes turned to the source of the light, there was a sudden calmness on her face, although her mind seemed to travel somewhere out of the same reality. Igniting her eyes completely as she started to ascend through the air. Her hand let go of her daughter's hand, only grasping and taking the bracelet of the princess with her.

Kida: "Mother!Mother!" She didn't want to let go, as she reached as high as her tiny body allowed her to avoid losing her mother. Spilling tears as she couldn't do anything, as her mother lost herself across the light.

The statues of stone that guarded the limits of the city, the behemoth that represented all the previous kings of the kingdom of Atlantis, did the last resort they had. As they reached their hands, to analyse their energy in a barrier of pure energy.

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