❥Chapter 8: 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐, ❦♪

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Muichiro loves to sleep in.
Nezuko tends to wake up early.
Usually, the boy is left alone to have his beauty rest, but in this particular morning, Nezuko feels as if he can sacrifice a little shut eye to get up and dance with her.

SPOILER WARNING: Muichiros character development in the manga, Nezuko's personality after she's turned human again
CW: Canon Divergent (with timelines and such!)

"Mui-chan, come on..." A soft groan was drawn from the boys chest as his girlfriend pressed her face into his neck, mumbling for him to get up with her and start their day. This was childish and unusual behavior from the Mist Pillar, but he didn't want to move at all from the comfortable position he was in currently. Besides, it's not like he had anywhere to be, nor did Nezuko. It was a Saturday, which meant no responsibilities for Nezuko, and Oyakata had given him a 3 day break due to some injuries needing to heal from his most recent mission. So, suffice to say, Muichiro deemed it completely unnecessary to move from the position he was currently in.

Muichiro didn't respond verbally, only opening his eyes slightly before he pressed his lips to Nezuko's forehead, moving to drop his head into her neck as his eyes fluttered shut once more. A slight smirk made its way onto his face as he reluctantly willed himself to wake up more so he could give into the pleas coming from his girlfriend, someone Muichiro had always had trouble saying no too.

"Such a busy day we have ahead of us...geez, why didn't you wake me up earlier? How irresponsible of you, Nezuko." A scoff met the boy's ears as Nezuko flicked his cheek, suddenly moving away and leaving Muichiro feeling oddly empty, as well as suddenly cold due to losing her body heat that he'd had for the past ten hours from when they went to bed last night. He whined a little before he drew himself to sit up, blinking repeatedly as he focused his vision in the room. It was around ten in the morning judging from the angle the sun poured into the room. A quick glance to the clock Kotetsu had made for him confirmed what the Hashira had thought, a yawn interrupting his slightly airheaded thoughts as he stretched, his arms going above his head.

"It's such a lovely morning, Muichiro." The boy nodded in agreement, finally moving the blanket off of his body before he rustled around a little, getting onto his feet as the shirt he'd stolen from his girlfriend unfurled to its full length, ending just a little below the waistband of the grey shorts, with little blue clouds patterned on, he wore. He was wearing socks as well, matching with his girlfriend, as she too wore socks. His gaze went to see the shirt she wore, which was the counterpart to his shorts and a small smile made its way onto his face when he noticed it. She was wearing the shorts that matched the top he stole, it had just become a little thing they both did and cherished.

He sat down next to her on the edge of the engawa, leaning his head on her shoulder as she watched the sun slowly start to peak over the house. It wasn't their own, it was Mitsuri's, but his relationship with the Love Pillar had grown to a point where she was so supportive of him and his relationship, she offered anything she could to the two of them she deemed necessary for a healthy relationship. This included a room at her house, so they could cuddle alone anytime they pleased, and such, both were allowed over anytime they pleased, Muichiro most often crashing there in between training and missions. They sat in silence for a bit before Nezuko started to hum a song she'd heard once, Muichiro sitting up slightly as his interest was peaked. After a minute or so of singing, she turned her attention to the boy, quirking her head to the side slightly.

"Would you wanna dance, Mui?" The question threw him off a little but once recovered, Muichiro nodded, a bit excited to try out such an activity. A beautiful smile graced Nezuko's face once her blue, ombre haired boyfriend gave her a little nod of approval. She stood up, pulling him up with her, taking one of his hands in hers as her other settled on his shoulder. Muichiro moved to place his hand on her lower back, humming slightly when he felt Nezuko rubbing his shoulder slightly in encouragement as he slowly fixed his positioning.

"Slow dancing, right?" A nod was given to him, and he moved a bit closer, having to look up slightly to have eye contact. Another smile passed between the two before Muichiro let himself settle down, having his face leaning on her shoulder as she led them in a dance, her melodic voice helping Muichiro keep tempo. Her tongue clicked underneath the melody, to substitute for a metronome, to further keep the slightly shorter on beat as they continued to dance. There was nothing said between the two as they continued, though a slight laugh was drawn from the both of them when Nezuko spun Muichiro out before drawing him back in, going off her plan a little as she dipped him so far down that they tumbled down, Muichiro throwing his head back as laughter shook his frame once Nezuko landed on him with a softened thud. The giggling died down, which allowed Muichiro to sit up again, drawing his arms around his girlfriend's waist, setting his head on her chest while her hands found purchase in his hair, combing through it.

She began to sing again, swaying once more and Muichiro didn't mind at all, going along with the subtle side to side motion, eventually singing along once she got to a song he knew by heart. The serenity was unmatched as the sun continued to rise, basking the two teenagers in a golden light. Nezuko eventually got tired of the slight swaying, wanting to once more dance.

"You up for one more dance before breakfast, Muichiro?" Muichiro himself had been nodding off before she spoke up, and he slowly dragged back to consciousness once more, just for her.

"Of course..." His kindness was one of Nezuko's favorite traits about him, and the love for it came up to the surface once again, as she knew he was tired. He would rather be asleep, but here he was, giving up some beauty sleep so he could spend time with her as she wanted. It was such a small show of kindness and compassion, but it spoke wonders to Nezuko. To show her appreciation for his actions, she cupped his face, the half asleep boy leaning into the warmth as he opened his eyes again, his kind blue pupils welcoming Nezuko further. She couldn't help the soft smile that broke onto her face, her thumbs stroking his cheek slightly as Muichiro himself smiled as well, half aware of what was to come. Even though he was halfway sure about the fact he was about to be kissed, it was still a slight shock when his lips touched Nezuko's. Once again, however, Muichiro was quick to recover and he kissed her back, a stupid lovesick smile splayed on both of their faces before Nezuko pulled away, resting her forehead on his before a giggle bubbled up. Muichiro still had his lovesick smile on his face, his right hand grabbing the wrist of his left hand, as they were still locked together, arms being around her waist. She felt a certain warmth settling in her chest due to the entire scene, and after a few moments of internal debate, she decided to tell Muichiro of her true feelings for the first time in their 10 months of dating.

"I love you, Muichiro." The boy instantly froze, his grip on his wrist tightening substantially as his brain short circuited as he tried to process what exactly this wonderful girl just said to him. She wasn't panicked by his lack of response, as Nezuko knew that Muichiro was just processing, and so to ease him, she continued to run her hands through his hair as he began to stammer a response out, but before he could finish, a finger was pressed against his lip.

"Easy, Muichiro. Don't speak until you've got your bearings..." He swallowed before he nodded, letting out a small sigh as he dropped his head into her neck, mumbling complaints about her being such a wonderful person, to which she only let out a slight buzzing noise as she continued to ease him. After a few minutes, he eventually got his breath fully back before he pulled away slightly, looking up at her, his hands now holding her face.

"I love you too, Nezuko. Now, let's dance and while we're at it, perhaps stop giving me heart attacks?" His head cocked to the side as a slight grin was placed on his lips and Nezuko nodded, more than happy to oblige as she once again stood up to dance with her beloved Muichiro.

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