Chapter XI : Love and War

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Mothra tried to not harm Phoenera too much, just enough to perhaps immobalize her. After all, what kind of mother would she be if she were to mortally wound her daughter?

She can tell that Phoenera was holding back as well, trying not to cause too much damage on her and Rodan. Phoenera had always been the soft-hearted sister, while Rodan was the aggressive brother. Even now, despite both of them being fully grown, they still loved each other.

Rodan had tackled Phoenera, holding her down with his talons. The both of them were covered in wounds and bruises. Mothra was not different.

"WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU SIDE WITH OUR ENEMY??!! DID HE MIND-CONTOLLED YOU?!!" Rodan screamed in Phoenera's face. She merely flinched

"If you had let me finished earlier, perhaps we wouldn't be fighting!" Phoenera was starting to lose her own patience, Rodan wasn't making it any better.

"Rodan, perhaps we should let our friend finish her explanation." Mothra tried to mediate the situation before it gets worst.

Rodan stayed quiet, Phoenera sighed.

"As I was saying, Ghidorah is more than just some alien tyrant. Just like the rest of us, he is capable of feeling. Even if he denies it." The pinned down sister calmly explained.

Mothra smiled, she could feel the sincerity in her. After all, Mothra knew what her adopted daughter meant.


Meanwhile on the other side of the battle, the two kings weren't as civilized.

Godzilla slammed Ghidorah against a building again, much fiercer than before. The said building collapsed under the weight of both titans.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! WHAT KIND OF F*CKED UP TRICK DID YOU DO TO HER??!!" Godzilla was pissed, he wasn't happy about the fact that-that this bastard is playing mind tricks on his precious Phoenera.

Godzilla is many things, a king, a protector, but above all ; he is a mate and a father. So like any good sire, he would be protective of her, especially now because of his arch-nemisis is mind contolling her.

"What in the world are you screaming your head off, pathetic king? Have you gone mad now?" Ichi mocked. "Besides, the fault is not our own if your own subjects chose us over you. We are the superior being and the better king."

Godzilla growled. "I'm not talking about my subjects you piece of sh*t, I'm talking about Phoenera, your brainwashed beta."

"We are the kings of destruction and conquerer of worlds, we are above cheap tricks like 'brainwashing'." Ichi growled back, offended that his old foe thought he mind controlled the white sprite, whom he is quite fond of.

"Besides, what makes you think we 'brainwashed' her? For all you know she just decided we're the better king." Ni scowled at Godzilla's stupid assumption.

"Oh are you now? Because the Ghidorah I know would be petty enough to do it." Godzilla sneered.

Ghidorah used one of their barbed tails to hit his offender. Godzilla groaned at the pain on his shoulder.

"GHIDORAH, YOU BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Godzilla screamed the other alpha.

Ichi scoffed. "Will you stop screaming like a fool? What, did you think we forced her to be our beta? No, not at all. Rather, she did it all on her own free will."

"Just accept it, Godzilla. She picked us over you and your pathetic little group." Ni smirked.

"No, You're lying!" Godzilla tried to deny whatever his rival is saying, surely they were just trying fool him into thinking it was the truth.

"But we're not! What we're saying is the truth, don't try to deny it!" San grinned at Godzilla's troubled expression.

"NO! You're-you're just trying fool me into thinking that-!" Godzilla couldn't finish whatever he was saying hen he heard her.

"But it's the truth. I followed them on my own accord." Phoenera spoke up from behind her foster sire. She was able to get Rodan off of her before he lashed out at Mothra because of her defending Phoenera's explanation.

Ghidorah was smug over the fact that the white sprite proclaimed that she chose them and Godzilla's dumbfounded expression was a bonus.

"See little king? Do you believe us now? She said it herself." Ichi had a sh*t eating grin on his face, while Ni was smirking and San snickered at their rival's expression.

Godzilla's anger rose that he started to heat up with a fiery glow, which started to melt and burn in his vicinity, including the titans infront of him and behind him.

Phoenera's eyes widened at the scene unfolding infront of her and started to lower her temprature and moved backwards, knowing how destructive Godzilla's abilities are.

Ichi sensed the panic arising from his beta and became alarmed, feeling the sudden surge of heat coming from his rival. Phoenera told him to take a few steps back telepathically.

He did so a bit hesitantly and raised their wings, preparing for an attack.

"Wait, GODZILLA DON'T-!" Phoenera couldn't finish what she was saying when said titan let out a thermonuclear pulse, hitting not only his rival but unfortunately her as well. She involuntarily let out a painful shriek.

Despite the golden titan being affected by the attack as well, when they heard her painful shriek, their necks snapped to look at her before glaring at the glowing king with the most anger they have felt in a long time. Their tails rattled and even if it hurt to move due to the damage they had taken-

Nothing harms what is theirs and gets away with it. They shall return the pain tenfold.


Oooohhh, what a rollercoaster ride lol.

Anyways hope yall enjoyed this chapter, leave a comment on your thoughts and theories.

Don't forget to vote and leave a nice comment. Stay home and be safe!
- Author-nim

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