Chapter I: Loneliness

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Loneliness is what the three brothers felt, San is the one that frequently feels lonely, Ni feels it sometimes but doesn't show it and Ichi feels it too but always brushes it off, always reminding himself and the other two that they have eachother, they don't need anyone else but eachother .

Ichi reminded them this for their own good — because if they got too attached to something, they would inevitably loose it as they destroy, end it's planet. And when that happens, they'd have to live with the guilt, the misery of loosing something.

And none of them want that

Even if they yearned just a slight bit of happiness

They knew they haven't done anything to deserve it

So they have to keep their heads up high

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The golden demise was flying up in the sky with dark clouds forming around them as they started a storm

It may possibly been a few hours since they have faced off with the little king

Ichi growled at the single thought of the little king, even after a millenia or eons of them in the ice, the little king was still so weak and little.

'And he calls himself king ? Is he trying to humour me ? Our fight was barely a spar and it was we who were in the ice. Some king he was.' Ichi thought

Although Ichi did felt pride swelled through his or their chest at the thought of beating or at least putting the little king in his place.

Ichi thought that this world could possiblely be their new domain without the pests in it.

They could make this world, this planet a place, a kingdom they could rule, they can control. They can finally rest and be respected as they always wanted, as they always wished .

If not then they'll move on to the next as they always have, like they always did.

'What if we meet someone?' Kevin wondered

'What do you mean 'meet' someone?' Ni asked

'You know, someone worthy of us? Maybe we can find a partner here!' Kevin exclaimed

'Partner? Seriously? Didn't Ichi banned us from getting attached? Besides I doubt we will be here for long, especially  when the pests are destroying their own planet.' Ni answered

'Well, we shall see what outcome this world shall present to us' Ichi mused

'Don't tell me you've gotten attached to this pesky planet' Ni growled

'I am certainly not attached, I simply want to see what will become of this planet and what we benefit from it, nothing more, nothing less' Ichi growled back

The two brothers glared at eachother with fire(electricity) in their eyes, suprisingly they were still able to focus on flying while glaring at eachother.

'Guys, come on! Let's not fight over little things, besides there's so m— do you guys hear that?' Kevin suddenly asked

Ichi and Ni's glaring contest came to a halt when their brother's suggestion became a question.

Just as the two were about to question their brother, they heard it–

A loud screech

The screech was definitely not the little king but from something smaller, the screech itself made Ichi somewhat curious. He didn't know why or what was it that made him curious but it did.

Ni felt ... confused, he didn't know what to feel

Kevin/San wanted to know who or what made that screech, the thought of finding something new made him excited

The three brothers didn't know if they should follow or not until–

It screeched again

The golden demise to eachother agreed to follow the screech to find the source...

(First chapter in, hope you like it!)

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