Chapter XII : To Live Or Not

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Ichi growled as he stepped infront of Glory as Ni hissed at the fat king while San looked behind him to check on her. Despite the excruciating pain they placed upon themselves by rushing to Glory's side, they raised their impressive wings before roaring at Godzilla.

Godzilla couldn't help but growl at his long time enemy and prepared to attack once more. But before he could, Mothra landed on his back. "My king, I implore you to not attack them." Godzilla looked back at Mothra and snorted, "And why the hell not? I can finally finish what I started and kill him once and for all." Godzilla prepared to attack once more.

Mothra sighed, "Because by attacking Ghidorah, you will hurt Phoenara. As you had done so all those years ago and like you had done so earlier." Godzilla stopped dead in his tracks. He glanced at Mothra and narrowed his eyes. Mothra continued, "Look at her, look at them. Phoenera is defending him, has she ever been wrong in her assumptions? Ghidorah is shielding her, he is protecting her, have you ever seen him do that to any titan?" Godzilla eyed the titans infront of him.

Ghidorah kept a defensive stance, while two heads looked directly at Godzilla, the left head continued to focus on the injured Phoenera. Ichi had a terrifying look on his face, Ni continued to growl.
Both heads had a 'I dare you take one more step, see what happens'. Ichi spoke up, "Oh? The so-called king rendered speechless? Now that's a sight I did not expect! Why so silent?" Ichi snarled.

Godzilla growled back, Mothra raised a claw to calm the hot-headed kings before more destruction happens. Before another brawl happens, Phoenera spoke up "Calm down, both of you. We've done enough destruction, there's no need to do more." Phoenera stood up with a bit of difficulty.

Rodan finally arrived at the scene, standing next to Godzilla and Mothra. He was a little late to the exchange because of Glory doing a number on him. He glared at the golden titan, Ni glared back. The air was tense and heavy, Mothra and Glory stared at eachother and shook their heads.

"Alright then, if not killing him then what are we going to do with him? Let him roam around earth and let him do as he pleases?" Godzilla huffed. Rodan squawked at the thought of Ghidorah roaming around earth " We are letting him live?! Wouldn't the world be in constant chaos?!".

"Well, if any of you have been at the very least aware of your surroundings, you would have noticed how the places he destroyed and passed by are improving. They are becoming alive again." Godzilla did noticed, he just turned a blind eye to it because of his denial. "Then what do you suggest we do with him, dear?" Mothra inquired, already knowing what the answer will be.

Ghidorah did not know what was going on. The four titans were quite literally deciding their fate. Ichi was already thinking of different possibilities this could end. Ni was prepared to attack and San was focused on how the white sprite is defending them. Actually, all three of them were very taken aback by how authoritative the white sprite was and it was doing things to their body and they don't know how to feel about that.

Phoenera stood infront of the golden titan. "It is quite simple really, Ghidorah shall be my responsibility from now on. They will be under my care, I shall be supervising his actions and I will make sure they will not be led astray." Phoenera announced confidently. Godzilla blinked, Mothra let out a proud shrill for her daughter while Rodan was trying to process what she just said.

The brothers were having a discussion of their own within their minds, communicating through their neurons.
'What in the world just happened??' Ichi was dumbfounded.
'What did she meant by us being under her?' San can't help but wonder.
'Why was that kind of attractive?' Ni was irritated with himself more than anything. After all, the behavior phoenera displayed was very female hydra-like.

Godzilla's eye twitched before letting out a deep sigh. "Fine, but the moment Ghidorah messes up and starts chaos again..." he trailed off. Phoenera held her head high before responding "Then I shall end the hydra myself."

He sighed again "Very well, it's decided then. They will be your responsibility from now on. And I expect you to keep your word in ending him." He looked at her directly in the eye.

"I will do my part and I always keep my word." She nodded her head at him. Godzilla stared at Ghidorah before turning around and started marching back to the ocean with Mothra still on his back. Mothra looked back and let out a sound of approval. Rodan glared a Ghidorah one last time before taking off and flying back to his volcano.

Glory let out the deepest sigh before looking back at the dumbfounded space hydra. Her eyes softened at them before nudging them. " Let's go, we've had a long day. We need some well deserved rest don't we?" She inquired.
The golden titan could only nod, she took that as her sign and spread her wing and took flight waiting for her partner to do the same.

The hydra did the same and followed the white sprite to where their 'home' will be from now on.



The humans that watched the interactio had only one thought.

'What the hell just literally happened?!'


Sorry for being inactive for a while, I am so busy I couldn't write for a while.
Anyways, don't forget to vote and leave a nice comment yall. Stay safe and always wash your hands.

~ Author-nim

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