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Y/n's View

"We wouldn't have won without you." I say.

"Liar." Tessa says.

"Let's all go to the Pete's Pizza, on me." Taylor says.

"You don't have a job." Cassidy says.

I fist pump Cassidy and Taylor nods her head.

"Fair enough. Let's all go to Pete's Pizza on Cassidy." Taylor says before everyone follows her.

"I never said that." Cassidy says following them.

Tessa and I follow then and I run into Charli.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." I say before Tessa catches up.

"Hello, my love." I say putting my arm around Charli.

"You were great in the game." Charli says.

"Thanks. We're all going to Pete's Pizza. Do you want to come?" I say.

"Sure." She says.

Time Skip

"Why are you shaking?" I ask.

"It's cold as fuck  in here." Charli says.

I take off my Jacket and put it on her.

"Thanks." Charli says resting her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her Cassidy laughs.

"That's couple's goals." Cassidy says smiling.

"We aren't together." I say.

"Don't act you don't that with your girlfriend." Charli says smiling.

"I can't her parents don't let me see her." Cassidy says.

The waitress hands the bill to Cassidy.

"I can't afford this." She says putting the bill on the table.

Charli picks up the bill and shows me.

"Does anyone actually have money?" I ask.

Everyone stays silent and I open my wallet. I pull out my debit card and hand it to the waiter.

"How can you afford a $400 bill?" Charli asks.

"I got a job at my foster dad's office." I say.

The waiter eventually cops back and gives me my card. I give him and tip and we all leave.

Time Skip

I put my jacket on the hook and a piece of paper falls out. It was a note from Charli to Avani.

"Y/n is so cute. Her eyes and her accent are perfect." Charli wrote.

"Shoot your shot." Avani wrote.

"She's with Tessa and she's my friend." Charli wrote.

"Taylor told me straight to my face, that they aren't anything serious." Avani wrote.

"Why did she follow Tessa into the bathroom stall?" Charli wrote.

"They're are just each other's fling." Avani wrote.

"Talk to her after class." Avani wrote.

"Alright." Charli wrote.

She had liked me all this time and I didn't even know. I just had to talk to her.

Time Skip

"Is Charli here?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's upstairs." Her dad say letting me in.

I go upstairs and knock on her door.

"What are you doing here?" Charli asks closing the door.

Charli turns around and I kiss her.

"What did I do?" Charli asks.

I hand her the paper and she unfolds it.

"How'd you get it?" She asks.

"You left it in my jacket." I say.

Charli stays silent and looks at me.

"Why didn't you talk to me? I've had a crush on you since we became lab partners." I say.

"I would've told you the day you were late, which is when this was written. Mr Davidson wanted to talk to you so I thought it wasn't meant to be." She says.

"I don't care if you feel the same way now, but I love you." I say.

She locks the door and kisses me.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say before she kisses me.


Highly Unlikely | Charli D'Amelio ✓Where stories live. Discover now