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Y/n's View

"Last but not least, Charli and Y/n." Mr Davidson calls.

We walk up to the front of the class and I take a deep breath.

"We decided to do the poem from the second scene of 'The Wrong Side." I say turning toward Charli.

"I can't come with you." Charli says.

"Why not? We can be free without fear." I say.

"Promise me." Charli says.

"I promise, love." I say gently grabbing her cheeks.

She kisses me and the class claps.

"Very good, A+." Mr Davidson says.

"Alright, school is dismissed. Get out." Mr Davison says before I pick up my backpack.

"What are you gonna go do now?" Charli asks.

"I gotta go to practice until 12:30." I say.

"Alright, call me." She says before she walks away.

Time Skip

"Y/l/n, why aren't you tired?" Tessa asks as I close my bottle of water.

"Gotta stay hydrated." I say tossing her a bottle.

"Thanks, we're gonna run a few more laps." She says before leaving.

"Alright." I say standing up.

"Y/n, stop leaving your stuff in my backpack." Charli says handing me my phone.

"Thanks, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"To give you your phone." Charli says.

I hug her and Mark comes running toward us.

"Move, move, move." I say pushing Charli out of the way.

I dodge him and he stops.

"I told you to stay the hell away from my team." I say.

"You say that all the time." Mark says laughing.

"What's going in over here?" Coach asks.

"Just take your crew off the track." Mark says, trying to hit me.

I block his punch then punch him in the stomach. He hits the ground and Charli pulls me away.

Time Skip

"You're free to go." The dean says.

"What, why?" I ask.

"Coach made a statement that you defended her. Next time, you're getting suspended." She says.

"There won't be a next time." I say.

"That's right, now get out of my office." She says.

I leave and Charli is waiting for me.

"Did you get suspended?" Charli asks as we leave.

"Thankfully, no." I say.

"Good. Lucas does everything you do. Last thing your family needs is him getting suspended from school." Charli says.

I roll my eyes and she laughs.

Time Skip

"Y/n, have you gone out with the girl you liked?" Heidi asks.

"Yeah, we're together now." I say.

"Oh... What's her name?" She says.

Maybe it was the fact that Charli had liked me. Her mom knew and she wanted us to be together.

"Charli..." I say.

"My daughter?" She asks.

"Yeah." Charli says.

"That's great. I always thought you guys would be a cute couple." She says.

I smile and Charli kisses my cheek. Heidi's phone rings and she answers it.

"Yes, this is Heidi." Heidi says.

"Oh my gosh." Heidi says.

"I'm on the way." She says.

She hangs up and grabs her keys.

"What's wrong?" Charli asks.

"Your dad got into a car accident." Heidi says.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Charli says.

"You aren't going anywhere. Y/n, make sure she doesn't go anywhere." Heidi says.

"Yes, ma'am." I say.

She leaves and Charli groans.

"Just relax. He's gonna be fine." I say.

"You promise?" Charli asks.

"Yes." I say.

She smiles and I hug her.


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