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Y/n's View

There's a knock on my room door and I open it.

"How'd you get in?" I ask.

"Lucas let me in." Charli says walking in my room.

"What did I tell you about letting strangers in the house?" I shout.

"Sorry!" Lucas shouts back.

I go into my room and close the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You haven't called or texted." Charli says.

"Uh, you were supposed to call me. Guess you were too busy making out with other people." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Charli asks.

"I saw you." I say.

Charli stares at me for a few seconds and laughs.

"No, dumbass!" Charli says.

"What?" I ask.

"We were on a break, so I practiced the scene with someone else. I wasn't cheating." She says.

"Oh, thank god!" I say hugging her tightly.

"I love you so much." I say as she hugs me back.

"I love you too." She says as I kiss her neck.

Time Skip

"Are you going to Cassidy's party?" I ask as the locker room door shuts.

"What are you—" I ask.

Charli pins me to the wall and kisses me.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"I love you so much." Charli whispers in my ear.

I cup her cheeks and kiss her.

"We can't do this now. The cheerleaders are about to come in." She says, pulling away.

"I'll see you at the party." I say picking up my gym bag.

She smiles and I kiss her before leaving.

Time Skip

"I forgot how big your house is." I say.

"Thanks, I need you to hold onto these keys. I locked all of the bedrooms so nobody goes in them." Cassidy says handing me keys.

15 minutes later...

"Truth or dare?" Cassidy asks.

"Dare." Joey, Cassidy's sister, says.

"I dare you to eat this ghost pepper." Cassidy says handing a bag to her.

Joey looks scared and we laugh.

"Daddy ain't raise no punk." Cassidy says.

Joey eats the ghost pepper and chokes.

"Damn." Joey says.

"3,2,1..." Charli says.

"Weak sauce." We all say but Joey doesn't.

"You should have one." Charli says putting her hand on my leg.

"I would, but there aren't --" I say.

She cups my cheeks and kisses me.

"Fuck, that's hot." I say.

"The kiss or your mouth?" Charli asks as Cassidy looks at me.

"I'm watching you, Y/l/n." Dixie says.

"Both." I say as she hands us a glass of milk.

Dixie cracks her knuckles and I widen my eyes.

"Would you like to dance, love?" I ask, holding my hand out.

Charli grabs my hand then dances with me. After I dance with her, she hands me a piece of paper. I open it and she wanted me to go to the room by the kitchen.

I knock on the door and she pulls me in.

"Why are we —" I ask.

Charli kisses me and unbuttons my shirt.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this here." She says.

"Agreed." I say opening the door.

"Come back with me." She says.

"Okay." I say.

She smiles and kisses my cheek.


Highly Unlikely | Charli D'Amelio ✓Where stories live. Discover now