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Y/n's View

"Y/l/n, we need to talk." Dixie says as we leave the classroom.

"What?" I ask.

"You know Addison, right?" Dixie asks.

"She's literally my sister." I say.

"She's on the debate team. Oh my gosh, she is so cute. I love her eyes, her hair, her personality, and she's perfect." Dixie says.

"There are 9 players in a softball team. 7.5 girls are gay on a team." I say.

"What the heck does .5 mean?" She asks.

"Bisexual, aka you. You only date guys." I say.

"I've only been with one guy out of the 12 people I've dated." She says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"I thought you would ask me on a date." She says.

"You see, I have this thing called standards." I say.

She rolls her eyes and walks away.

Time Skip

I pick up the pencil off the floor and Lucas jumps on my back.

"Get off of me." I say as Lucas laughs.

I stand up and Lucas falls on the couch. Enzo laughs and the door opens.

"This is the worst day ever." Addison mumbles slamming the door shut.

We stare at her and she goes upstairs.

"Sheesh." Enzo says as Addison slams her door.

I go upstairs and knock on Addison's door.

"Addi, talk to me." I say.

The door unlocks and I go inside.

"What's wrong?" I ask closing her door.

"I just feel like I'm a disappointment. I feel like bad things happen to punish me. Like, Shelby spilled water on me just to piss me off." Addison says.

"I didn't have another shirt, so I had to spend 6 hours in a wet t-shirt that was now transparent." She says.

"I would've given you a shirt. Like I did the first time." I say.


Shelby kept bothering the new girl and what she did next was bullshit. She spilled her water on her (on purpose) and the new girl was really embarrassed. She ran away and I went over to her.

"I have a shirt you can have." I say.

I lead her to the bathroom and give her the shirt. She comes out of the stall and thanks me.

"Thanks." The new girl says.

"What's your name, cutie?" I ask.

"Addison. You?" She says blushing.

"Y/n." I say.

"Thank you, how can I repay you?" Addison asks.

I cup her cheeks and I kiss her.

"Y/n Y/l/n, to the front office." The principal over the intercom says.

She goes into a stall and pulls me in with her.

End of flashback

"Definitely not our best moment together." Addison says.

"Nope." I say.

Addison laughs and I smile.

We did that a few times without anyone knowing. I asked her to be my girlfriend then she became my sister. We couldn't do that any longer, so we ended things.

"I have this friend who likes you." I say.

"Who?" She asks.

"Dixie D'Amelio." I say.

"She kinda gives me the creeps." She says.

"I feel the same way, to be honest." I say.

She smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you for being there." She says.

I smile and kiss her cheek. I get up and leave her room.

Time Skip

"That game was insane." I say.

"I can't believe they lost. They haven't lost in 15 years." Tessa says following me.

Charli and Addison walk in and Charli hugs me. She pretends to whisper in my ear and I smirk at her.

"We gotta go." I say taking Charli by the hand.

We leave the room and she takes me to her and Addison's room. I climb up to the vent so I can hear the conversation

Addison's View

"I'm gonna go back to my room." I say heading to the door.

"Wait." Dixie says.

I turn around and she smiles at me.

"I kinda want to get to know you. You're really cute." Dixie says.

I nod my head and sit on the bed across from her.

"Where are you from?" Dixie asks.

"Louisiana." I say.

"What brings you to California?" She asks.

"My dad wanted to move to start over." I say.

We talked for a few minutes until I got bored.

"It's getting late, I should go back now." I say getting up.

"Okay, it was nice getting to know you." Dixie says.

I kiss her cheek and she smiles. I leave and sigh.

I shake my head at the fact that anyone thinks I like Dixie. I'm still in love with Y/n and I always have been. She moved on slowly and I have to do the same.


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