Chapter 4

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They had a late lunch the next day and used their leisure time to move like sloths around the house. By late evening they went to their rooms to get ready for the night.

Harry had dressed up in Teal green pants, a white shirt, with a winged-shaped collar, and left the first button open and paired it with black formal shoes. He gelled his hair up and sprayed his Gucci perfume.

As for Bri, she went for a halter-neck burgundy skater dress which ends just above the knee with a pair of black stockings, white slip-in vans, golden hoops, and bracelet, extremely light touch of makeup, and her favorite Idole perfume by Lancome. She carried her ID and some loose change in the pocket of her dress.

Both of them came out of their rooms at the same time almost knocked into each other. "Oops! Sorry" they both said at the same time then giggled and "After you!" He bowed to her, to which Bri nodded and took a step forward.

As they entered the party had already begun, half the crowd was cheering while the others were dancing the county line on 'Walk of life by Dire straits', it one of those oldies Goldies songs. Beer on every table which was arranged in 'U' formation and the speakers were blaring away.

Harry looked around astonished as he saw men in formal pants shades of cream, browns, and blacks and shirts of different shades wearing a variety of different ties- bow ties, bolo ties, regular ties, and cowboy hats.

To make the room brighter the women wore dresses ranging from floral designs with boots, polka dots dresses, and red lips (one was even dressed in an Audrey Hepburn iconic black floor-length gown with a pearl necklace), to high collared blouses and flowy skirts with T-strap heels.

Bri finally found Henry in the crowd, cutting through the crowd she tugged Harry along who almost tripped over someone's foot and mumbled sorry while being dragged away.

She came to a standstill and Harry almost collided with her, in front of her this man stood with a bit of a hunched back wearing khaki pants, powder-blue shirts rolled up sleeves with cream suspenders, and a bow tie. "Remember me? She asked, tapping his shoulder with amusement!"

He stared at her for a second to try to recollect who this bubbly woman was, he gasped "Brionna Sanders!" he said with a big smile pulling her in a hug, 'the one and only!' she hugged back, he took a step back and said "you took my advice and dressed up this time", she nodded back with glee.

The music had slowed down so she didn't have to raise her voice anymore. She went on to introducing Harry to Henry, she gestured at Henry,"'Harry this is Henry the one I told you about and his wife is over there behind the counter in the yellow dress. Harry went for a handshake 'nice to meet you, Sir!' Henry is just fine lad, the old man suggested. "

Henry asked them to join his table and they gladly did, before leading them to their table he called his wife for two more beers for the new joiners and she waved at Bri with a big smile and blew a kiss to her man.

As they sat down he caught Harry's attention by revealing to him that "The last time this young lady came in, she wore these torn Jean and Winnie the Pooh jumper, he said rolling his eyes, me being me just couldn't get my head around why someone would pay to buy torn clothes? She told me it was fashion now and I scoffed at her and dished it out by saying maybe I'm just old fashioned". Harry laughed at Bri as she just shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"Harry dear! You work?" Henry inquired. "Yes I do, I'm a singer!", He answered, feeling quite accomplished. 'A singer!?' Henry looked surprised, 'You famous?' He questioned on, and Harry being as polite as he could go on to say, 'I would like to say yes but nothing like Elvis though!' Henry turned to Brionna to confirm and she nodded back to confirm the same, 'hot damn!' Henry said clapping his hands you got yourself a good man here!'

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