Chapter 5

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Bri sat on the edge of her bed wondering what had changed for a while then decided to change into her nightclothes and call Jean up.

Jean who was half asleep picked up her video call and grumbled "Bri it's 3 am here! Let me sleep!" "Jean get up I need to talk to you about something, which my brain can't comprehend. it's important and I need you to respond softly cause my earphones are charging and Harry's room is right across mine."

"Okay, okay Jean sat upright in bed and switched on her night lamp! What is it?"

So Bri went on to explain to her the whole story of what happened and how everything was beautiful and fun to the later part of the evening of slow dancing and the awkward walk home! "Oh my god"Jean, the walk back to the cottage was so weird and awkward and in complete silence like two strangers passing through time. 'Like what happened suddenly for us to react like that towards each other!'

Jean laughed loudly at how dense her best friend was being "What! why are you laughing at me?" she whimpered. "Brionna! My dear child, that man who is in the room across from you, likes you! Jean states the obvious, Hence the awkward silence after the lovely slow dance to Lady in red which coincidentally happens to be the same shade of dress you were wearing! A very planned move of Henry to do cheers to him", she explained with a smug look on her face.

"Come on I don't believe you! He and I are just friends. Nothing more, how could the whole story possibly lead to the conclusion of him liking me?" She taunted back. Before Jean could knock some sense into Brionna, Brionna heard a knock on her door. "Hey hold up, Harry's knocking on the door!"

The line went silent, Bri opened the door and saw Harry standing there shirtless in short. "What?" She asked as absent-minded as she could be. Harry leaned forward in a fraction of a second and placed his lips on her. Brionna entirely froze up as she felt his lips on her, his warm soft lips felt like heaven against hers melting into his grace, her head spun around its not like she hadn't been kissed before but this was wholesome, gentle but still oozing with emotions, it felt like how the first snowfall feels against one's skin, the happiness of finally seeing that flower sprout from its bud and then he slowly pulled back, her eyes were still closed. "Hmm, my sentiments were correct!" He exclaimed, turning around and walked back to his room followed by the door closing.

Brionna stood there stupefied at what had taken place a minute ago. She was pulled back to her senses when she heard Jean's voice "Hello? Are you still there?" She ran back to her phone, slamming the door shut, and internally screamed 'what the freak!'

"What happened Bri you look like he freaking confessed to you or something!" She said in a flat tone. "Bro! that's exactly what happened", he kissed then said 'Hmm, my sentiments were correct!' "Who does the actual freak say that?" Expressed Bri who was now hyperventilating.

Jean rolled her eyes at Bri, who sat frozen in a spot, Jean urged Bri to go and kiss him back! "You have to! Bri you always tell me to live a little (she mocked her), Follow your own damn advice for once! I'm gonna hang up the phone now cause I don't want you to waste any more time and I need to get some sleep before going to work. Go and kiss that man or I swear to God I will kill you the next time I set my eyes on you. Okay bye, love you! call me tomorrow and tell me what happens though!" Before Bri could respond she had cut the call.

 Bri contemplated whether to follow Jean's advice or not for a while, encouraging herself. She slowly tip-toed out of her room nervous as hell about her next move, she turned Harry's doorknob and stepped in. Harry had been standing waiting here for her to make her move, hoping and praying that she would come to him.

He smirked at her and hugged her which went on to a super long trail of kisses, they wouldn't even catch their breath. His fingering twisting her t-shirt, tugging her closer at the same time, she had wrapped her arms around his neck tugging his hair, wanting more. They stopped to catch their breath, this time she took the lead kissing him at the corner of his lips trailing it downwards to his jawline to his, to his sweet spot right on the collarbone, he grunted and moaned which encouraged her to go on. She went back to his lips, his hungry ones took over, he pressed her against the wall and kissed her as if she was the canvas and his lips were the brush creating all sorts of strokes.

He paused to catch his breath and Bri rests her forehead on his, they maintain eye contact until she shyly smiles at him, mumbles "hi'' and looks away. Harry held her face in place between his fingers, she leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. He enjoyed seeing her all flustered and blushing from her usual confident and sarcastic self. Harry couldn't stop smiling and his adorable little dimples never seem to disappear. He gave her another peak on her lips, he was left wanting more, he wanted to know every inch of her body-mind, and soul, kiss every scar and the stretch mark she might have, hold her close forever, shower her with gifts and love, one day even live together and adopt a dog or as many as she wanted.

He wanted to kiss her for as long as he could remember, show her what he felt for her but always ducked away, and she was away flying from one country to the next and didn't stay too long in her own, neither did he obviously. They rarely meet alone, generally with either Jean or Paul tagging along. They did talk a lot when they met though, always having some sort of physical touch going on which the other two noticed but didn't say a word, they were able to vanish into their little world even when they were surrounded by other people.

This one time, she had gone for a layover and he happened to be in the same city, they even passed each other on the crossroad but Bri was too engrossed in a conversation with someone and he did notice her but was in a rush so couldn't stop to say hello. Bri had slipped through his palm as he was too deep in his dream world, she brushed her lips between his swallows. "Darling! You're my sunshine", he stated in a husky voice biting his lip and she ran her fingertips outlining his tattoos.

His breath hitched, as she went lower on to the butterfly one. As she finished tracing that one, Harry stopped her from tracing more as couldn't be able to control himself if she kept going. He raised her hand, placed it on his chest, her eyes followed his movement, she rests her head on her palm and heard his fast-paced rhythmic heartbeat, and happily sighed. "I always ran away from this feeling but your arms feel like home!", she peacefully expressed herself moving a hand to his back drawing lines along his spine with her fingertips, he shivered under her touch and pulled her closer if that was even humanly possible.

He lifted her leg and placed her feet on his and walked backwards to his bed, she grinned at how his subtle move made her all giggly. He placed her gently on the bed and sat beside her, intertwining his fingers with her. Looking the other way she yawned, "sleepy?" he asked, she shook her head. She answered resting her head on his shoulder, followed by her hair covering her angelic face.

"Your heart is still beating too fast", she observed. He chuckled at her innocence "Yes it's an effect one has after being touched and kissed by the one they fancy", his narcissist side spoke. Bri rolled her eyes at him, " let me hold you and sleep maybe then it will calm down", he declared, "Fat chance", her sarcastic tongue uttered, "but why not try it!" she added winking at him. They got up and lifted the cover and Bri scooched under it and he followed after turning off the night lamp and cuddled her, 'Goodnight, love...Night-Night Curly'. Him being the big spoon and she is the little one, he fell fast asleep in a couple of minutes but she laid there awake for a while before falling into a slumber.

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