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Original Edition: 37. The First Date

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- 37 -

Ares has asked me on our first date, and I have nothing to wear.

And this is not one of those typical moments of an indecisive person who has a lot of clothes to choose from and doesn't know which one to choose. I literally I have nothing to wear. Everything is hanging around because mom washed all my clothes, and only left the clothes I don't wear, and obviously I don't wear them for a reason: They don't fit me anymore or they simply passed away (they're already torn or washed so many times that the fabric is transparent).

Why did Ares have to ask me out just today?

I still remember his soft voice on the phone when he asked me to please sneak out. How could I say no? I obviously hadn't thought it all through when I said yes. The only one who can save me is Dani.

I call her and she answers on the third ring.

"Funeral Home Las Flores, how may I help you?"

"How long are you going to do that, Dani? I told you it's not funny." She lets out a guilty chuckle.

"It's funny to me. What's the matter, grumpy?"

"I need you to pick me up."

"Aren't you grounded?"

"Yes." I lower my voice even more. "But I'm going to sneak out."

"What, what, what, whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Dani exaggerates her tone. "Welcome to the dark side, sister."

I let out a long sigh.

"You're crazy, come and get me, but wait for me at the corner of my street."

"Okay, but you're leaving out the reason why you are going to sneak out. Will you go out partying with me today?"

"No, I have... plans."


I hang up the call and tuck pillows under the sheets to make it look like someone is there.

Although I know my mother won't check, because she doesn't think I'm capable of sneaking out, and well, honestly until a few hours ago I didn't think I was either.

I carefully leave the room. The lights in the house are already off, so I poke my head into my mom's room, and I never thought I'd be so happy to hear her snoring. My mom sleeps soundly, mostly because she had a shift last night and probably hadn't slept at all until now. Remorse stops me for a second, but then a pair of blue eyes invades my mind and that's enough to motivate me to get out of the house.

Already on the street, the cold hits me hard. I always forget that we've left the warm summer behind; I'm not wearing a jacket, so I hug myself, rubbing my forearms as I walk. The street is well lit and there are some people outside their houses chatting. I greet them cordially and continue my way.

Waiting in the corner, shivering from the cold, I realize that maybe I should have waited a little longer in the warmth of my house. It's barely six minutes later. Dani doesn't live far away, but there are several traffic lights that I know can get heavy at this hour.

I am freezing to death.

Do you see everything I do for you, Greek god?

When I see Dani's car, I'm so relieved that I smile like an idiot. I jump into her car and Dani drives like crazy all the way home.

Eighteen outfit attempts later.

To say I'm indecisive is putting it short. Dani has given me so many options and they are all so cute, but I want to look perfect for him and nothing seems perfect to me. I know he will look beautiful in whatever he wears. I feel the need to look my best, I have never dressed up in a special way to see someone, this is my first time.

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