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Original Edition: 3. The Soccer Practice

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The Soccer Practice

"You what?" Daniela, my best friend since I was in my mother's belly, exclaims surprised, almost spitting her drink on my face. We are at the popular town's café.

"Yes, exactly what you heard." I sigh, passing my finger around the glass of my orange juice. Daniela smiles broadly as if she has just won the lottery. Her black hair falls at the sides of her face. She has that type of hair that if you don't even need to comb, it just looks good all the time.

Daniela has been by my side ever since I can remember. Our friendship started in kindergarten when she tried to stick a pencil in my ear. Yes, it was an unconventional beginning for a lifelong friendship but that was us. We are unconventional and a little crazy. In a way, we complement each other in a perfect and synchronized way. If that's not an eternal friendship then I don't know what it is.

Dani keeps that silly smile on her face as she speaks, "Why do you look so discouraged about it? We're talking about Ares, your frustrated love since you were seven or something."

"I told you how he talked to me. Such an idiot."

"But he talked to you, Rachel. He noticed your presence in this world. That's a start, definitely better than just seeing him from afar like a stalker."

I looked at her in surprise, "I don't stalk him."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Really? You're going to deny it to me? I've seen you stalk him from the shadows."

"Of course not. It's merely a coincidence that I see him from the distance when I am walking around town."

"Walking around town or hiding behind a bush?"

"Anyway," I change the subject, "You're supposed to help me. I need to find a way to stop him from using my Wi-fi. I don't want him to get away with it."

"Why don't you change the password?"

"So that he can hack my computer again? No thank you."

Dani pulls out her face powder and checks herself in the small mirror, adjusting her hair, "I really don't know what to say. What if we ask Andres for help?"

"Are you joking? And for the last time, Dani, it's Andre, without S."

"Anyway," she pulls out her red lipstick and begins to apply on her lips, "He's good with computers and stuff, right? He's the classroom nerd for a reason."

"Do you really have to do that here? We're out in the open," I say, even though I know I'm wasting my time. "And I guess he knows a few tricks. He helped Francis in her project."

Dani closers her powder and gets up, "See? I'm always solving your problems." I open my mouth to speak but she continues, "And you know exactly what my recommendation for this whole crush thing is."

"To move on and forget him?"

"Yes, you're wasting your time."

"But he's so..." I sigh. "Perfect."

Dani rolls her eyes, "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

She turns and walks away, earning a few looks and smiles from some guys as she walks past their tables. Dani has no problem getting men's attention. It also helps that she has a slender body and is so ridiculously tall. I can safely say my best friend is one of the hottest girls in my school.

I play with my straw while finishing my orange juice. It's hot as hell but I rejoice in it. I don't want summer to end because that means classes and to be honest, my senior year scares me a little.

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