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Original Edition: 2. The Hateful Neighbor

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The hateful neighbor

I hate being disturbed when I sleep.

It's one of the few things I can't stand. Normally, I am a calm and peaceful person but if you wake me up, you will see my darker side. So, when I wake up to an unknown melody, I can't help but groan in annoyance. I spin around in my bed, covering my head with my pillow but the damage is done and I can't sleep again.

Irritated, I throw the pillow aside and sit down, murmuring profanities.

Where the hell does that sound come from?

I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand and I moan in annoyance, it's midnight. Who can be making noises at this hour? It's not even the weekend.

After getting up, I walk like a zombie to my window, the cold sneaking through the curtains gives me shivers. I'm used to sleeping with the window open because I've never had problems with nighttime noises. Apparently, that has changed. As I get closer to the window, I recognize the song: "Rayando el sol" by Mana.

Scratching my head, I open the curtains to find the origin of that song. I froze when I notice someone sitting in the little chair in the backyard of the Hidalgos. But it's not Apollo this time. My heart beats desperately in my chest when I realize that it's the boy of my obsession: Ares.

To describe Ares words wouldn't do him justice. He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen and believe me I've seen a lot. He's tall, athletic, with perfectly defined legs and an ass to die for. His face has a Greek aura, with strong cheekbones and a beautifully shaped nose. His lips are full and look wet all the time. Its upper lip forms an arch like that of the upper part of a drawn heart and the lower one is accompanied by an almost imperceptible piercing.

His eyes take my breath away every time I see them, they are deep blue with a flash of awesome green. Her hair is jet-black, which contrasts with his creamy white skin and casually falls on his forehead and ears. He has a tattoo on his left arm of a curving dragon that looks professional and well done. Maybe, he has more in the rest of his body but nobody knows. Everything about Ares screams mystery and danger, which should push me away from him but instead draws me towards him with a force that leaves me breathless.

He is wearing shorts, converse, and a black flannel that matches his hair. I watch him typing something on his laptop, biting his lower lip. Sexy!

But then it happens, Ares looks up and sees me. Those beautiful blue eyes meet mine and my world stops. He and I have never shared such a direct glance. Unintentionally, I blush but I can't look away.

Ares arches an eyebrow, his eyes cold as ice, "Do you need something?" His voice lacks emotion, is almost automatic.

I swallow thick, struggling to find my voice. His gaze freezes me. How can someone so young intimidate me so much?

"I... hi," I almost stutter. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me getting more nervous, "I... this, your music woke me up."

I'm talking to Ares.

God, do not faint, Rachel. Breathe.

"You have a good ear, your room is quite far." Is that all? No apologies for waking me up? His eyes go back to his laptop and he continues to type on it. I squeeze my lips in irritation. After a few minutes, noticing that I haven't moved, he turns to look at me, impatient "Do you need something?" He repeats with an air of annoyance. That gives me courage to speak.

"Yes, I actually wanted to talk to you." He gestures for me to continue. "Are you using my Wi-Fi?"

"Yes." he doesn't even hesitate to respond.

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